· Mar 12, 2020

IntegratedML Beta Program open for applications!

Greetings Developer Community!

InterSystems IntegratedML (formerly known as QuickML) is ready for external beta, and is looking for some users to kick the tires!

IntegratedML is an all-SQL machine learning (ML) feature in IRIS that:
    • Gives users the ability to create, train and deploy powerful models from simple SQL syntax
    • Wraps "best of breed" open source and proprietary ML and "automl" frameworks such as TensorFlow, XGBoost, H2O-3, and DataRobot
    • Focuses on ease of deployment, so you can add predictions to your application with a single SQL function call 

You are a good fit for this beta program if:
    • You are interested in machine learning
    • You are willing to start quickly, in the next few days
    • You are willing to share your experiences and insights with us!

If you are interested, please sign up at -- you will receive an email notification whether you are accepted into the program and what the next steps are.


Thomas Dyar
Product Specialist | InterSystems

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