· Feb 4, 2020

How could we get columns' data inside %Library.ProcedureContext and %SQL.ClassQueryResultSet ?‽?



I have created my first table in Ensemble:



And I have added a row using the Production:



We would like to query it, and we would expect to get a row wih all the previous' image data.


I have tried, inside a code block in a Bussiness Process:

  set statement=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
  set status = statement.%PrepareClassQuery("TablasBBDD.NotificacionesPUSH.RelacionAplicacionNotificacion","seleccionarTodo")
  set result = statement.%Execute()
  do result.%Display()
  $$$LOGINFO("filas result: "_result.%ROWCOUNT)
  $$$LOGINFO("result: "_result)
  //$$$LOGINFO("clave: "_result.%Get("clave"))
  $$$LOGINFO("resultado actual: "_result.%CurrentResult)
  $$$LOGINFO("resultado siguiente: "_result.%Next())


So then we observe the following in a trace:

We have one row:

The class name is:

How could we get the current result? Because of as loginfo from the following instruction: $$$LOGINFO("resultado actual: "_result.%CurrentResult)
 we get:


And there is not next:


The question is:


Considering we have just executed the following query:

Query seleccionarTodo() As %SQLQuery [ SqlProc ]
SELECT FROM TablasBBDD_NotificacionesPUSH.RelacionAplicacionNotificacion


How could be get the result's columns' data???

I tried to use:

  //$$$LOGINFO("clave: "_result.%Get("clave"))

However it does not work, because it makes bussiness process crash.

I have read the following:

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Hello Marc Mundt, you are right:

I have tried to comment the sentence: "do result.%Display()", so then the code would be:

However $$$LOGINFO("resultado actual: "_result.%CurrentResult) prints an empty result:

And as you said, do result.%Display(), was iterating over the result:

We now have the following code:

set statement=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
  set status = statement.%PrepareClassQuery("TablasBBDD.NotificacionesPUSH.RelacionAplicacionNotificacion","seleccionarTodo")
  set result = statement.%Execute()
  //do result.%Display()
  $$$LOGINFO("filas result: "_result.%ROWCOUNT)
  $$$LOGINFO("result: "_result)
  //$$$LOGINFO("clave: "_result.%Get("clave"))
  $$$LOGINFO("resultado actual: "_result.%CurrentResult)
  $$$LOGINFO("result number of columns: "_result.%ResultColumnCount)
  //$$$LOGINFO("result dumped: "_result.DumpResults())
  //$$$LOGINFO("resultado siguiente: "_result.%Next())
  set i = 0
  while (result.%Next() '= 0){
   set i=i+1
   $$$LOGINFO("i: "_i)
   $$$LOGINFO("Inside loop, current result: "_result.%CurrentResult)
   set printed = result.%CurrentResult.%Print()
   $$$LOGINFO("current result print: "_printed)
   //$$$LOGINFO("current result getData(0): "_result.%CurrentResult.%GetData(0))
   //$$$LOGINFO("current result column(0): "_result.%CurrentResult.Column(0))

And when we check the trace, we see, there are 4 columns:

And we iterate once, so there is one row:

Being current result a SQL.ClassQueryResultSet:

However, why when we call:

set printed = result.%CurrentResult.%Print()

$$$LOGINFO("current result print: "_printed)

It shows:

How could we get, from result.%CurrentResult which is a %SQL.ClassQueryResultSet, the row's data? I mean, how could we print result's row's data?‽???



I have read:
