· May 29, 2019

Tortoise GIT Setup

We are currently trying to implement TortoiseGIT into Cache Studio as per the following Github project


Our architecture is as follows:

- A server with Ensemble installed on

- Team of several members connect to the server and perform their code build


TortoiseGIT was installed on the server, however, should the REPO location be:

- on the server itself (as a shared path)? 

- locally on every developer station? If yes, how would this be set up?

Discussion (5)1
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If you have only one server for multiple developers, it will be not so easy to make it work very good.

The best way is to use own server by each developer. This tool exports locally to the server, but the developer should have access to those place from their machine. 

Why do not move to Atelier or VSCode? There will much easier to organize work with git

If you want your Ensemble development team to work collaboratively in shared namespaces on a common server Git probably isn't a good choice for source control. Are you committed to using Git? Have you looked at our Deltanji product? It's integrated with Studio, and with Atelier, and also with our Serenji extension for Visual Studio Code. It's able to handle code deployment as well as versioning. It also supports scenarios where developers work in their own namespaces (whether on a shared server or on their local machines).