· Feb 22, 2019

HealthShare Provider Directory edit Master Viewer/ Source UI with a new Element of String type


I want to edit the the Master viewer /source UI of  HealthShare Provider Directory with a property/ element of String type. 

There are predefined CodeTables structure by which i can't add the Attributes of the above element because somehow above element attributes are different than the code Table structures . 

Can we add a new Customize Code Table other than predefiend Code tables in the HealthShare Provider Directory ? 

Is there any way or any tutorial by which we can edit the Master Viewer  ?  

As of Now , I have added the below code in Local.PD.Catalog Class to add the Record in Master Record Viewer 

<field name="NonEmployeeStatus" type="record"  recordName="NonEmployeeStatus" list="true"/>

<record name="NonEmployeeStatus" type="serial">
<field name="Code" type="string"/>
<field name="Facility" type="string" />
<field name="Description" type="string"/>

Please find the below snapshot of Master Record Option at HealthShare Provider directory , 

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