· Dec 3, 2018

DC October-November 2018 release

Hi Community!

As you know or maybe guess we keep working on making Developer Community a better place for you, developers on InterSystems Data Platforms.

And here is the release on what we did in October-November.

Key visible enhancements:

better monthly digests,

InterSystems Best Practices,

Speed up mailings.

And a lot of small, but nice things - check the details inside.

1. Emailing enhancements

We keep improving DC emailing. This month we improved the design and subscription options for the monthly digest. 

Hope you are subscribed and have got it already in a new form for November digest. And you can subscribe/unsubscribe in your Member/subscriptions section:

Also, we eliminated a few cases of delays in emailing which will help you get notifications on DC postings faster.

2. InterSystems Best Practices

We introduced the support for a special tag which highlights the articles with Best practices on InterSystems Data Platforms. Learn more about Best practices.

3. Moderator enhancements

The Community is growing and so our moderators' team gets bigger. With the release, we introduced a few enhancements which make the operation management of DC moderators easier and keeps DC members off an inappropriate content. E.g. with this release you'll not get browser notifications on unmoderated content.

4. Job offers and seeking postings

We Introduced two new tags Job Wanted and Job Opportunity tags to make these announcements more organized. If you have ideas how to manage such announcements along with DC content please share in comments or in DC issues.

5. Open Exchange visibility and some smaller things

We happy to see growing Open Exchange activity and made it more visible - you can find the link to Open Exchange in DC header - together with Online Learning, Documentation and DC.

We enhanced images drag-n-drop in DC editor solved a lot of bugs and problems which you can examine in November DC release kanban board.

And we have plans for the future in December kanban and looking forward to seeing your requirements to DC functionality.

And always looking for your content and feedback!

Stay tuned!

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