· Sep 6, 2017

Limit of characters in call procedure with driver ODBC


I'm developing an integration between Caché servers by ODBC conection, and I have the following problem.

In this call:

call COSClass_Methode('222169^^98^155^64530^06:30^021542987897458855441112877855^1^0^281992^GC')

the ODBC driver is truncating the string to 50 characters.

If I run this same command with $system.SQL.Shell(), this doesn't occur.
I did a test creating several parameters for COSClass_Methode, and they all have a 50 character limitation.

Does anyone know why the ODBC Cache Driver limits the number of characters per parameter of this type of call?
Or, how can I adjust this?

Example of implementation

For connection I used the  %Library.SQLGatewayConnection class

Basic example of the called class

 Class User.COSClass Extends %Persistent [ Owner = {_PUBLIC} ]

ClassMethod MethodeExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, data1 As %Library.String, data2 As %Library.String, data3 As %Library.String) As %Status
set ^rht(2,1)=$get(data1)
set ^rht(2,2)=$get(data2)
set ^rht(2,3)=$get(data3)
quit 1

Query Methode(data1 As %Library.String, data2 As %Library.String, data3 As %Library.String) As %Library.Query(CONTAINID = 1, ROWSPEC = "Result,Par2:%String") [ SqlProc ]
Discussion (4)1
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The default for %String is MAXLEN=50

if you write in your definition %String(MAXLEN="")   also in Method calls this should be enough.

Query Methode(data1 As %Library.String(MAXLEN=""), data2 As %Library.String(MAXLEN=""), data3 As %Library.String(MAXLEN="")) As %Library.Query(CONTAINID = 1, ROWSPEC = "Result,Par2:%String") [ SqlProc ]

  and so on.

Or you make you own data type  inheriting %String overwriting  Parameter MAXLEN=""

Or just use %Library.VarString which makes just this MAXLEN=""

Query Methode(data1 As %LibraryVar.String, data2 As %Library.VarString, data3 As %Library.VarString) As %Library.Query(CONTAINID = 1, ROWSPEC = "Result,Par2:%VarString") [ SqlProc ]

  and so on.