· Sep 12, 2017 1m read

Widgets Direct

The Widgets Direct sample application highlights many aspects of how to use InterSystems technologies to build a modern web application.  Features include:

  • Angular Material + AngularJS + JSON + REST based interactive application with Step by Step instructions on how it was built
  • Example scripts for server-side source control configuration with Perforce
  • %UnitTest logic for automated regression testing
  • %Installer class for automated instance installation from source control 
  • Scripts for Continuous Integration (CI) with Jenkins
  • Docker Manifest for automated provisioning of an instance

We will be adding articles which discuss the above list of features to drill down in more detail on each topic (feel free to  comment if there is something you want to see done sooner rather than later).

There were several sessions at Global Summit which focused on Widgets Direct  sample, and we'll also be linking to the recordings and slides of those sessions as soon as they become available online.    

The source for this sample can be found at: 

Enjoy and happy coding!

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Apologies for the delay - the Developer Community is having issues with its email update logic so I had no idea you asked this question.

This image is currently internal to InterSystems as it's for the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform which is in early adopter mode.  Contact your Sales Rep in order to get access to the program and to InterSystems IRIS.  It will be made publicly available early next year.

