· May 12, 2017

Need to find a way to get the columns in a query from Query object.

Recently I have encounter an issue to get the columns out from a query without execute it.

For example:

I have a Query looks like below. How can I get the 'col1,col2,col3,col4' or the text of the query("select col1,col2,col3,col4 from mytable") back?

Query myquery() As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 0) [ SqlProc ]
 SELECT col1, col2, col3,col4
 FROM  mytable

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To get query text you can query %Dictionary.QueryDefinition. For example:

FROM %Dictionary.QueryDefinition
WHERE Parent = class

Would return all queries for a class.

As for getting only columns, here's some ideas:

  • If the query was executed somewhen and cached, there would be a generated class, holding metadata among other things
  • There are generated methods QueyNameGetInfo and QueryNameGetODBCInfo - they return metainformation about query columns
  • Execute the query and iterate over metadata

What do you want to achieve?

Why is executing a query not possible?