· May 3, 2017 1m read

Cache Open Authorization Framework (OAuth 2.0) - one year later....

It's almost a year since I have published a series of articles explaining how to configure Cache instance as a client / resource server / authorization server. By that time, the implementation of OAuth 2.0 was still a pre-release software.

With the advent of Cache version 2017.1 a lot has changed. OAuth 2.0 implementation is fully completed and supported. Numerous new features were added (e.g. dynamic client registration)  - see release notes here for full details - and configuration pages have been redesigned to a great extent as well.

In order to keep the series up to date, I have modified them so they use configuration screens from Cache 2017.1. However, I did not change the logic, so examples used in the text do not reflect some recommendations that can be found in the online documentation. This decision was made so the articles won't require complete rewrite. 

That said, the scenarios described are still valid and working, but in some cases they may not follow "best practices". Please, consult online documentation as this is the ultimate source of information.

And now, let's start with updated part one!

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