· Jun 9, 2016

Beginning Again

I've been in IT since 1986.

I started with Pr1me INFORMATION and Primos on Pr1me hardware.

In the 90s and 00s, I used D3.

I'm giving Caché a try, but I'm kinda having some difficulty getting started.

I've installed Caché on a 64-bit Windows 7 workstation. It was installed under an administrator's account. From a standard users account, I'm trying to access the Management Portal at:


It is prompting me for credentials. Which ones do I use? I've tried several, but nothing is working.

In going through the MultiValue Quick Start Tutorial, but I'm not getting very far.

Any ideas on what I need to do?

Discussion (5)0
Log in or sign up to continue

If you specified credentials during installation and don't remember them, you can use this process to get to the terminal prompt:

After starting in emergency access mode, you can run the command:


And navigate through the prompts to see what users there are and change the password of one so you can log in.