· May 26, 2016 2m read

NewBie's Corner Session 5 Operator Precedence

NewBie's Corner Session: 5 Operator Precedence

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Order Precedence means the order in which mathematical operators are executed. In a Mathematical expression, you may have Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, and Division. Which of these are executed first, second, third, etc.?

The basic Operator Precedence of mathematics is:

       Multiplication and Division has precedence over Addition and Subtraction

In normal mathematics when you encounter an expression like 5+7*10, the multiplication and division is executed first, and then addition and subtraction, so 5+7*10 is 75 (7*10=70+5=75).

However, in Caché the Operator Precedence is strictly left to right,

So:  5+7*10=120  (5+7=12*10=120).

Write 5*7+6                       ; Operator Precedence in Caché same as in Mathematics
Write 4+6*10/5                 ; Caché Operator Precedence 4+6=10, 10*10=100, 100/5=20
Write 4+(6*10/5)             ; Mathematical Operator Precedence: 4+(60/5)

If you want your expressions interpreted a specific way, you must use parenthesis around the expressions you want evaluated first.  Although this concept seems simple enough, I would dare say there is not a Caché/MUMPs programmer alive that has not been bitten by Operator Precedence, keep an eye on this one.

Until next time.

--Mike Kadow

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