· Feb 29, 2016 1m read

CSP Gateway Configuration for 64bit IIS with 32bit applications


I am configuring IIS to work with the CSP Gateway but I'm running into this error:

"The Module DLL 'C:\Inetpub\CSPGateway\CSPms.dll' could not be loaded due to a configuration problem. The current configuration only supports loading images built for a x86 processor architecture."



Assuming IIS is running on a 64bit Windows, and you are using an appropriate 64bit CSP Gateway, this error might occur if you have other (non-CSP) applications served by this IIS that are running in a 32bit application pool.

The error above will appear for example in the Windows Event Viewer, and you will fail to browse to the 32bit-based non-CSP application.

In order to remedy this you can try and edit the IIS's applicationHost configuration file (e.g. C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config) and under the CSP module define it to be loaded depending on the 64tbitness of the application. For example:


  <add name="CSPms" image="C:\Inetpub\CSPGateway\CSPms.dll" preCondition="bitness64"/>


Therefore for the 32bit non-CSP application it will not attempt to load it and hopefully you should not get the above error.


See here from MSDN more info about the IIS preCondition attribute.


Note if the application the CSP app is supposed to run in is 32bit itself then the handler mapping will need to be updated. See here from our docs for more details.

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