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Member since Jan 20, 2016

We found a way to do the second part, importing the class from a file without overwriting a specific member. The trick is:

  • open the old class definition with ##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition).%OpenId("class name")
  • create a clone with %ConstructClone()
  • load the class from the file without compiling it
  • open the new class definition
  • copy the member you want (in this case production definition XDATA) from the clone to the new class definition, and save the new class definition
  • finally, compile the class.

In older versions, trying to run "do $i(a)" would throw a <SYNTAX> error. You could instead use "if $i(a)" or "set a = $i(a)" to do the same thing. The "do $i(a)" was added with IRIS 2019.1 because it's a nicer-looking syntax. So you can treat them as identical, and the only reason to care either way is if you want to write code that is backwards-compatible with older Caché / IRIS versions.

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