· Jul 6, 2023
REST Documentation Confusion

I had attempted to create a REST Operation before but did not have success. As I am going through the Tutorials and Documentation everything references REST services, but I have a case where I want to create a REST Operation that makes Epic API calls against Interconnect. I have done SOAP operations before and we currently have one in our Production Namespace, but from what I understand SOAP has the wsdl which defines al the structures and etc, where REST does not.

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· Jun 19, 2023 8m read
Open AI integration with IRIS

As you all know, the world of artificial intelligence is already here, and everyone wants to use it to their benefit.

There are many platforms that offer artificial intelligence services for free, by subscription or private ones. However, the one that stands out because of the amount of "noise" it made in the world of computing is Open AI, mainy thanks to its most renowned services: ChatGPT and DALL-E.

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