
Clear filter
Scott Roth · Jun 19, 2017

Date Filtering Functionality

to check if coming msg DOB is within 3 days then its new born message so i can check validate fields, such as mother identifier should not be empty in case of new born patient
Benjamin De Boe · Sep 19, 2017

Horizontal Scalability with InterSystems IRIS

or treating tens of thousands of patients a day, a data platform supporting those businesses should be able to cope with those large scales transparently. Transparently means
Smythe Smythee · Aug 23, 2023

ERROR #6232 Data type validation error while using %Date Property

source to generate a FHIR discrete resource. It works. The BirthTime is same as the expected value { "resourceType": "Patient", "birthDate": "1993-12-12T00:00:00Z" }
Heloisa Paiva · Nov 14, 2023

Example of Flask application with SQLAlchemy-IRIS - Part 2

and partners. A good example would be a website for patients to access their clinical exams. Of course, this case would require a whole new layer of security, which we did
Ron Sweeney · Dec 7, 2020

IRIS Python Native API in AWS Lambda

the Patient ID context into the token for a SHMAHT on FHIR(R) based solution implementing an OAUTH2 workflow. * You want to post provision iris tuning settings based on the Instance
Eduard Lebedyuk · Aug 3, 2020

Creating classes/tables with more than 999 properties in InterSystems IRIS

in IRIS or Caché. Entity–attribute–value model is usually used for this purpose. I have already written about this at the time: SQL index for array property elements. That's
Anastasia Dyubaylo · Feb 23, 2023

Tech Article Contest: InterSystems IRIS Tutorials

; Working with %Query/%SQLQuery✔️ Using indexes✔️ Using triggers✔️ Using JSON✔️ Using XML✔️ Using REST✔
Eduard Lebedyuk · Feb 4, 2019

Consume data from websocket

of the JSON Array "index" like: ["name", MyBinaryData, "12345"] is the class methods limited by Cache String Max ? if yes, how to bypass this obstucle ? code examples on send
Gevorg Arutiunian · Nov 1, 2018

Utility to compare class and include file definitions between builds

" set element("f")="Foreign Keys" set element("i")="Indexes" set element("m")="Methods" set element("p")="Parameters" set element("q")="Queries" set
Evgeniy Potapov · Jul 19, 2022

Showing dates in missing periods

")]) iter_date = iter_date + timedelta(days=1) pd.DataFrame(calendar, columns=["FullDate","MonthYear","MonthYearNum","Year"]).to_csv("calendar.csv",index=False) Next, the table should
Sergey Mikhailenko · Oct 20, 2020

InterSystems: Solution for Technical Support and DBMS-Interoperability Administration

(%request)` In this example, `$$$AppL` forms a link to a glob with the `^log` prefix, and the date and time in the index value. `$$$AppObJs` is the object serialization macro
Eduard Lebedyuk · Sep 17, 2018

Send digest emails for workflow tasks with Publish/Subscribe

SQL access Property emails As list Of %String(SQLPROJECTION = "table/column", STORAGEDEFAULT = "array"); // Not sure if it improves performance // Index emailsIndex On emails
Anastasia Dyubaylo · Nov 22, 2021

InterSystems Tech Article Contest: Christmas Edition

Connect JDBC connector. 9 Applying analytics / ML to the SQL Statement Index – 10 My favourite maintenance tasks, automated – 11 Leveraging the Audit database
Guillaume Rongier · Aug 31, 2021

Fullstack demo of IntegratedML and Embedded Python

have to search for a passenger / patient and select it, select one of the trained model and press predict. In the case of a classification model (like in this example
Lorenzo Scalese · Apr 4, 2022

Global archiver - Moving a part of a global

. For example: * User log access to patient medical data. * Medical documents versioning. Depending on the intensive usage of your application, these data could highly