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Nicole Sun · Mar 25

A Peek at IRIS Data Platform Performance Strategies

subscripts. Data is encoded using a vector encoding that is optimized for storing elements of the same data type. In general, analytical queries run quickly but transactions might
Istvan Hahn · Oct 5, 2016

RESTful way of data transfer

} } Please note, that pInput must be subclass of %Stream.Object. pInput is a vector of positional parameters. The positional parameter passing applies only to URL path parameters. URL
David E Nelson · Apr 26, 2019

A Containerized Machine Learning Playground with InterSystems IRIS Community Edition, Spark, and Zeppelin import VectorAssembler # Transform the "Features" column(s) into the correct vector format df ='PetalLength','PetalWidth') vectorAssembler = VectorAssembler
Michael Braam · Feb 20, 2017

Making encrypted datafields SQL-searchable

to the encryption of a plain text block this plain text is XORed with the cipher text of the previous block. If there is no previous block the initialization vector comes into play. One
Zhong Li · Mar 15, 2019

Run A Deep Learning Demo with Python3 Binding to HealthShare (Part II

= x_test.astype('float32')x_train /= 255x_test /= 255 print(x_train.shape[0], 'train samples')print(x_test.shape[0], 'test samples') # convert class vectors to binary class
Bernd Mueller · Jan 30, 2018

A story from support - how the quest for a raw DEFLATE compression/decompression function leads to a Node callout server by REST

to use their functionality.The code then uses process.argv to access the incoming command-line arguments.argv stands for "argument vector", it's an array containing "node
Sergey Lukyanchikov · Jul 22, 2021

InterSystems IRIS – the All-Purpose Universal Platform for Real-Time AI/ML

of mathematical modeling environments: models, distribution tables, vectors/matrices, neural network layers, etc. This “interoperability”, in the majority of the cases, is manifested through