· Feb 5

IRIS For Health 3 Tier Architecture

Hi There

Do we have any reference architecture for IRIS For Health or IRIS For Data Platform in general. Meaning a hospital besides to use these tools how they will plate the different solution components at web level, application level, and database level. What i understood from the IRIS document we put everything in one machine integration, database, business application, analytics etc. 

So if i was able to put my request across clearly I am looking for best practices architecture guidelines to put IRIS solution in 3 tier architecture. 

I am not looking for high level details but bit of details guidelines with best practices for example,

- create different namespace to handle FHIR messages, and another namespace for Non-FHIR namespace, 

- For interoperatability put the IRIS at the application level that will provide ESB capabilities.

- For analytics put it on a different server only talking to database.

- FHIR Responsitories should have lets say 3 databases one for raw data, other for transformed data, and third is data in row/columns

so there are so many possible options are there so which based on best practieces in the 3-tier architecture if some one can share reference architectures pictues only and implemenation guidelines from their experience that would really help.



Product version: IRIS 2024.3
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