· Aug 15, 2021

InterSystems Partner Ecosystem Services

Hi Community and InterSystems Partners!

We are glad to share great news for Intersystems Partner Directory Members:
here is a list of services you can use to become more visible within our InterSystems Community.

As a partner, you may order one of the services every six months free of charge:

$1,000 Google AdWords Campaign Voucher
We will set up and launch the campaign for you

Promotion within the Developer Ecosystem
We put a banner on the website with 50K+ monthly InterSystems related audience

Webinar supported by InterSystems
We will take care of all the organizational efforts. You just come and tell about your solution and get real-time feedback

Introduce Your Company's Tag on Developer Community
Use your own tag to share news about your company

Your Video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel
Make a video about your application and how it works with InterSystems solutions, and we will post it on our YouTube channel with 186,000 subscribers

Publish a Job Description
Submit a job description, and it will be published on Developer Community forums with 50K+ monthly audience.

And more services are coming soon!

Also, if you have something in mind, you can share in the comments what you would like to see as a service provided for partners by Intersystems Partner Directory.


How to request:

1. Sign in to Partner Directory and make sure you have the Company's profile. If not - here is the video on how to list it

2. Open your Partner Directory account

3. Navigate to the tab Ecosystem Services

4. Hit the "Request" button in front of one of those you want to get

Waiting for your requests! Hope the services are helpful! And looking forward to your feedback on the usage of InterSystems Partner Ecosystem services!

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