· Aug 4, 2019

InterSystems Open Exchange Digest, July 2019

Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in July 2019!

New Applications

Metrics example published by David Underhill

A simple example of collating database and license metrics

Dynamic SQL to Dynamic Object published by David Crawford

ObjectScript function to convert any SQL query into a dynamic object

Cogs JSON Class published by Sean Connelly

Convert JSON to and from InterSystems ObjectScipt classes

Objectscript Roman Numeral Converter published by David Crawford

Converts numbers into roman numerals using ObjectScript

Random Read IO Storage Performance Tool published by Tony Pepper

Random Read IO Performance Tool for InterSystems IRIS Database

Port published by Rubens Silva

Port is a VCS-agnostic Caché Studio utility to export or import Caché files based on projects instead of namespaces

Forgery published by Rubens Silva

An auxiliary tool used to mimic requests to %CSP.REST and Frontier Router-based classes.

Log Production Queue Counts published by Robert Hanna

A simple scheduled task and persistent table for logging production queue counts.

EnsDemo Iris installer published by Guillaume Rongier

ENSDEMO port to IRIS without HL7 and DICOM examples

Anti CSRF CSP published by David Crawford

A method for mitigating anti CSRF attacks on CSP derived API calls

Frontier published by Rubens Silva

%CSP.REST on steroids. Frontier is a REST framework made with the purpose of reducing boilerplate code and imposing a clean coding style 

Python Gateway Samples published by Eduard Lebedyuk

Examples of PythonGateway Usage. Python Gateway for InterSystems Data Platforms


<--break->​​​​​​General stats

Total apps: 149

Downloads monthly:


Top downloads in June 2019:

PythonGateway  48

A more useFull Object Dump  34

Example Backup Task  34

RGateway  16

VSCode-ObjectScript  13

ObjectScript  11

Caché Monitor  10

AnalyzeThis  9

Metrics example  8

Dynamic SQL to Dynamic Object  8


Top downloads in 2019:

PythonGateway  104

VSCode-ObjectScript  100

WebTerminal  95

Design Pattern in Caché Object Script  75

Caché Monitor  56

A more useFull Object Dump  55

CachéQuality  54

Execute Server Commands from Caché / Ensemble / IRIS  54

Light weight EXCEL download  50

ObjectScript Class Explorer  49

Also, check previous month Open Exchange digest

Thank you and stay tuned!