· Feb 7, 2024

InterSystems Certification is looking for question writers for our upcoming InterSystems TrakCare Reports exam

The InterSystems Certification Team is building an InterSystems TrakCare Reports certification exam and is looking for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from our community to help write and review questions. You, as a valued InterSystems community member, know the challenges of working with our technology and what it takes to be successful at your job. A work assignment will typically involve writing 15 assigned questions and reviewing 15 assigned directly to you.

Proposed Project Work Dates: The work assignments will be assigned by the Certification Team through September 15, 2024.

Here are the details:

Action Item


Contact InterSystems Certification

Write to to express your interest in the Certification Subject Matter Expert Program. Tell us that you are interested in being an InterSystems TrakCare Reports SME (an individual with at least one year of experience with InterSystems TrakCare Reports tasks).

Complete project profile - External Participants

If you are an external volunteer looking to participate, a team member will send you a profile form to determine if your areas of expertise align with open project. 


If you are selected for an exam development opportunity, a team member will email you a Non-Disclosure Agreement requiring your signature.


After receiving your signed document, and before beginning to write questions, you will be asked to watch a short training video on question-item writing.


Once onboarded, the Certification Team will send you information regarding your first assignment. This will include:

  • an invitation to join Certiverse, our new test delivery platform, as an item writer and reviewer
  • an item writing assignment, which usually consists of the submission of 15 scenario-based questions
  • an alpha testing assignment, which usually consists of reviewing 15 items written by your peers

You will typically be given one month to complete the assignment.

Subject Matter Experts are eligible for a SME badge based on successful completion of their exam development participation. SMEs are also awarded the InterSystems TrakCare Reports certification if they write questions for all KSA Groups and their questions are accepted.

Interested in participating? Email now!

KSA Group KSA Target Item
1. Creates InterSystems Reports using Logi Designer within TrakCare 1. Describes what the specification is saying

1. Recalls what data sources and procedures are, and how to access the sources of data

2. Identifies what parameters are used from the specification

3. Distinguishes between different page report component types (eg. cross tabs, banded objects, normal tables)

2. Identifies the components of InterSystems Reports

1. Distinguishes between catalogues and reports

2. Recalls the features of a catalogue

3. Catalogues connections and terms

4. Accesses the catalogue manager in the designer

5. Identifies which data source types are used in reporting

6. Identifies the data source connection and how to modify it

7. Identify what is required to use a JDBC connection

8. Recalls what a stored procedure is

9. Recalls when and why to update a stored procedure

10. Distinguishes between different data sources and their use cases

11. Recalls the importance of binding parameters

12. Manages catalogues using reference entities

13. Recalls how to change the SQL type of a database field (eg. dates)

14. Identifies how to reuse sub-reports

15. Recalls the different use cases for sub-reports

16. Describe how to use parameter within a sub-report

17. Recalls how to configure the parameters that the sub-report requires

18. Recalls how to link a field on a row to filter sub-reports

19. Recalls the potential impact of updating stored procedures on the settings

3. Uses Logi Designer to design and present data

1. Distinguishes between the different formats of reports

2. Determines when and how to use different kinds of page report component types

3. Recalls the meaning of each band and where they appear (eg. page header vs banded page header)

4. Recalls how to add groups and work with single vs multiple groups

5. Differentiates between the types of summaries

6. Uses tools to manage, organize and group data and pages including effectively using page breaks

7. Identifies when to use formulas

8. Uses formulas to format data and tables

9. Determines how to best work with images including using dynamic images

10. Uses sub-reports effectively

11. Inserts standard page headers and footers into report

12. Recalls how to embed fonts into report

13. Applies correct formatting, localization, and languages

2. Integrates InterSystems reporting within TrakCare 1. Understands TrakCare report Architecture

1. Applies correct formatting, localization, and languages

2. Recalls how many user-inputted parameters can be used in TrakCare 

3. Recalls how to setup menu for a report and how to add menu to a header

4. Recalls what a security group is and adds menus to security group access

5. Configure TrakCare layout

6. Differentiates between different types of layout fields

3. Supports InterSytems Reports 1. Verifies printing setup

1. Debug using menu or preview button

2. Tests the report by making sure it runs as expected

3. Demonstrates how to run reports with different combinations of parameters

4. Tests report performance with a big data set

5. Identifies error types

2. Uses print history

1. Identifies use cases for the print history feature

2. Recalls the steps to retry printing after a failed print

3. Uses print to history to verify parameters are correctly passed to the parameters in the stored procedure

4. Recalls how to identify a report was successfully previewed or if it encountered errors

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