InterSystems Official
· Jan 18

IAM 3.4 Release Announcement

IAM 3.4 Release

InterSystems API Manager (IAM) version 3.4.2 is now Generally Available.  In additional to bug fixes and minor improvements IAM 3.4 includes several features that might be of interest to IRIS customers.

  • Consumer groups are now a core entity. With consumer groups, you can apply different configurations to select groups of consumers. These can be used with Rate Limiting Advanced, Request & Response Transformers.  See the documentation for consumer groups to learn more.
  • OpenID Connect (openid-connect)
    • This plugin now supports the error reason header. This header can be turned off by setting expose_error_code to false.
    • OpenID Connect now supports adding scope to the token cache key by setting token_cache_key_include_scope to true.
  • GraphQL Rate Limiting Advanced (graphql-rate-limiting-advanced)
    • The host field of this plugin now accepts Kong upstream targets.
  • OpenTelemetry (opentelemetry)
    • Introduced support for the AWS X-Ray propagation header. The field header_typenow accepts the aws value to handle this specific propagation header.
  • Proxy Cache Advanced (proxy-cache-advanced)
    • Added wildcard and parameter match support for content_type.
    • Added the configuration parameter ignore_uri_case to allow handling the cache key URI as lowercase.
  • JWT Signer (jwt-signer)
    • Added the configuration field add_claims, which lets you add extra claims to JWT.

IAM is an API gateway between your InterSystems IRIS servers and applications, providing tools to effectively monitor, control, and govern HTTP-based traffic at scale. IAM is available as a free add-on to your InterSystems IRIS license.

IAM 3.4 can be downloaded from the Components area of the WRC Software Distribution site

Follow the Installation Guide for guidance on how to download, install, and get started with IAM.  The complete IAM 3.4 documentation gives you more information about IAM and using it with InterSystems IRIS. Our partner Kong provides further documentation on using IAM in the Kong Gateway (Enterprise) 3.4 documentation

IAM is only available in OCI (Open Container Initiative) a.k.a. Docker container format. Container images are available for OCI compliant run-time engines for Linux x86-64 and Linux ARM64, as detailed in the Supported Platforms document.


The build number for this release is IAM 

This release is based on Kong Gateway (Enterprise) version

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