· Apr 23, 2024

Encoding / Dos CP 437 / Visual Studio Code Extension / Export Function

Hello everyone,

I have an issue related to Visual Studio Code and its InterSystems extension when exporting routines from the database to the file system.

The code entered via the terminal editor is encoded in DOS code page 437, but when I export it to my file system, even if I set the file opening to DOS CP 437, the accented characters which are two bytes long cause problems.

Regardless of the test settings I've tried, the only one that retains meaning is CP 437, but I get an unnecessary character preceding my accented characters. In the context of opening in UTF-8, of course, each character is represented by a distinct character, but I lose the meaning as my accented characters are translated into a box character.

From what I understand, it's during the export that the encoding switches to UTF-8 and then it's too late for VSCode to do anything.

Does anyone have an idea for me to be able to edit the terminal editor routines correctly in Visual Studio Code?

Thank you, everyone.          

Product version: Caché 2018.1
$ZV: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.7 (Build 721) Fri Mar 18 2022 22:24:36 EDT
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