· Nov 10, 2020 5m read

Creating a custom interoperability business service using HTTP Adapter

The productions are components developed with InterSystems IRIS Interoperability module to promote integrations between systems, data sources/targets, web services, API, message channels, etc. Productions are composed by:

1) Business services to get/ingest/get data events or requests;

2) Business operations to send or persist data to repositories, systems, API, web services, etc; and

3) BPL - BPEL flows to orchestrate, mediate, compose and route data from business services to business operations.

In this article I will show you how to create a custom business service to get a file from a multipart HTTP request and enable it into a production using class comments, see:

Class dc.upload.UploadService Extends Ens.BusinessService 
// extends Ens.BusinessService to create a custom Business service using Object Script
  // This class receive a file from a multipart http request and save to the folder configured 
// into folder parameter
//Choose an adapter to get data from a source of data
//HTTP.InboundAdapter allows you get data from an http request
Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter";
//custom parameter to allows production user set destination folder to multipart file uploaded 
Property Folder As %String(MAXLEN = 100);
//when you set parameter Folder to SETTINGS parameter, the production IRIS interface create a field 
//to the user fills
//so the user will inform host path for the uploaded file 
Parameter SETTINGS = "Folder,Basic";
//This method is mandatory to have a business service. It receives the multipart file into pInput 
//and returns a result to the caller using pOutput
Method OnProcessInput(pInput As %GlobalBinaryStreampOutput As %RegisteredObjectAs %Status
    //try to do the actions
    try {
        Set reader = ##class(%Net.MIMEReader).%New() //creates a MIMEReader to extract files from 
//multipart requests 
        Do reader.OpenStream(pInput) //reader open the file
        Set tSC = reader.ReadMIMEMessage(.message) //the reader put the file uploaded into a MIME Message
        //Get Header obtains headers from the request and the multipart file, like content-type 
//or content disposition
        //the content disposition have 3 headers: 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="filename.ext"
        //This split content-disposition header into 3 parts
        Set filenameHeader = $PIECE(message.GetHeader("CONTENT-DISPOSITION", .header),";",3
        //get filename header value
        Set filename = $EXTRACT(filenameHeader12$LENGTH(filenameHeader)-1)
        //Headers are not more needed. It clean the header to remains only the file content to be saved
        Do message.ClearHeaders()
        //create a file object to save the multipart file
        Set file=##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
        //points the file to folder informed into folder parameter, plus upload filename from header
        Set file.Filename=..Folder_filename 
        //save body message (the file content) to file object
        Do file.CopyFromAndSave(message.Body
        //return a sucess message to the user/caller
        Set pOutput = "File "_filename_" uploaded with success to: "_..Folder_filename
        Set tSC=$$$OK
    //returns error message to the user
    } catch e {
        Set tSC=e.AsStatus()
        Set pOutput = tSC
    Quit tSC

I created an application into the Open Exchange to show you this business class. To test this code, use it. Follow the steps:

1) Go to:

2) Into your terminal/cmd execute: git clone

3) Into your terminal/cmd execute: docker-compose build and after execute docker-compose up -d

4) Open the production

5) Set the host destination folder to the uploaded files and start the production. See:

6) Now Open Postman or create a multipart request into a form pointing to localhost:9980/ using POST with a form-data file attribute. See sample:  

7) Check the upload into your IRIS docker instance.

Now, with this business service, you have alternatives to send a file to your docker instance using postman or a html form and compose this feature with BPL and business operations. Fantastic!

PS: a loved ObjectScript MIMEReader and MIME* classes.

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