· Sep 1, 2021

Beta Testers still needed for our new HealthShare Patient Index Technical Specialist Certification Exam

Hello Again,

We still need additional beta testers for this exam so that we can set a statistically valid passing score. Thus, if you match the exam candidate description given below, we would like you to beta test the exam!

Exam title: HealthShare Patient Index Technical Specialist

Exam candidate: An IT implementation professional who:

  • has 6-12 months experience with installing, configuring and supporting the HealthShare Patient Index product to provide either a standalone system or as a master patient index for the HealthShare Unified Care Record, and
  • also has domain expertise in the use of master patient index operations to enable the identification of problems in data and the training of users.

What are my responsibilities as a beta tester?

You will be assigned the exam and will need to take the exam before November 15, 2021 (we are willing to work with you on this deadline, so please let us know if you need more time). The exam will be administered in an online proctored environment, free of charge (the standard fee of $150 per exam is waived for all beta testers), and then the InterSystems Certification Team will perform a careful statistical analysis of all beta test data to set a passing score for the exam. The analysis of the beta test results will take 6-8 weeks, and after the passing score is established you will receive an email notification from InterSystems Certification informing you of the results. If your score on the exam is at or above the passing score, you will have earned the certification! 

Note: The beta test scores are completely confidential.

Interested? Please review all  the exam details and recommended preparation here, and then contact the Certification Team at to get signed up as a beta tester!

Thank you!

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