InterSystems Official
· Mar 10

Using OpenEHR with InterSystems IRIS

Using OpenEHR with InterSystems IRIS

Occasionally. we get questions about using OpenEHR with InterSystems.   Typically, these discussions focus on why and how an organization wants to implement OpenEHR in building applications. Here’s a brief guide:

  • InterSystems is focused on interoperability:  we prioritize interoperability through standards such as HL7, IHE, DICOM, and ISO. In our experience, no single standard addresses all the needs of complex healthcare data. Thus, we recommend that any implementation of OpenEHR be evaluated in conjunction with these standards and an analysis of which of your scenarios are best addressed by each standard.
  • OpenEHR on InterSystems IRIS: for organizations building applications or data products using the OpenEHR model, InterSystems IRIS is an ideal platform. It offers multi-model capabilities, scalability, high performance, and reliability. InterSystems IRIS for Health adds the flexibility to use many other healthcare standards including HL7 FHIR in the same application.
  • Interoperabiilty with OpenEHR: OpenEHR began before HL7 FHIR, but FHIR now covers many of the original OpenEHR use cases. FHIR has broad implementation, including use by major EHR systems.  Therefore the need to connect between OpenEHR-based  and non-OpenEHR-based systems is increasing; InterSystems technology excels at data mapping to and from OpenEHR. 

In summary, if you plan to use OpenEHR, consider InterSystems IRIS for Health as your platform. Define your scenarios first to decide where OpenEHR fits best.

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This is a helpful overview! It effectively highlights the strengths of InterSystems IRIS for organizations considering OpenEHR. One point worth expanding could be practical examples or case studies where InterSystems IRIS has successfully integrated OpenEHR with other healthcare standards like HL7 FHIR. Real-world scenarios could offer valuable insights for those evaluating the best approach for their healthcare data solutions.