· Oct 2 14m read

Control IRIS database schema changes with Liquibase

In the modern world, the most valuable asset for companies is their data. Everything from business processes and applications to transactions is based on data which defines the success of the organization's operations, analysis, and decisions. In this scenario, the data structures need to be ready for frequent changes, yet in a managed and governed way. Otherwise, we will inevitably lose money, time, and quality of corporate solutions.
For a long time, data management and governance were solely based on the data itself, with excellent backup, restoration, ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) resources, authentication/authorization controls, logging, and tracing. However, since the business has become more dynamic and agile, changes in data structures have generated many outages and system breakdowns. To resolve this, DDL (Data Definition Language) source code management solutions were created. Two of those great solutions have become market references: Liquibase and Flyway. None of them, however, supported InterSystems IRIS until 2023, when Dmitry Maslennikov released a Liquibase extension for IRIS, making it possible to add IRIS DDLs to DevOps pipelines. The IRIS Liquibase extension is an open-source product, and it is currently published on
This article will detail what Liquibase is and how to use it to manage data structures together with the extension created by Dmitry, liquibase-iris.

What is Liquibase?

Liquibase is a database schema change management solution that enables you to revise and release database changes faster and safer from development to production. To start using Liquibase quickly and easily, you can write your migration scripts in SQL. To take advantage of database abstraction abilities that allow you to write changes and deploy them to different database platforms, you can specify database-agnostic changes in XML, JSON, or YAML(

Liquibase Workflow


Liquibase uses SQL, XML, JSON, and YAML changelog files to list database changes in sequential order. Those database alterations have the format of changesets that contain Change Types, which are types of operations to apply to the database, e.g., adding a column or primary key. Context, label, and precondition changelog tags help us control precisely when a database modification was made and to which database environment it was deployed. (

Liquibase properties file

To set the link between Liquibase and your database, you need to know the database connection information and parameters. Liquibase includes a properties file to store database connection information and parameters that rarely change. Setting those parameters as environment variables to handle sensitive database information or running them at the command prompt is an alternative option.

Liquibase commands

Liquibase runs six basic types of commands: update, rollback, snapshot, diff, status, and utility. When you use the update command to deploy your first alterations, Liquibase checks the database connection information, including credentials, database URL, and JDBC driver.

Database Changelog and Database Changelog Lock

When you deploy your changes, Liquibase creates two tables in your database: DATABASECHANGELOG and DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK.
The DATABASECHANGELOG table tracks deployed modifications for you to have a record. Liquibase compares the changesets in the changelog file with the DATABASECHANGELOG tracking table and deploys only new changesets.

DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK prevents multiple instances of Liquibase from updating the database simultaneously. It manages access to the DATABASECHANGELOG table during deployment and ensures that only one instance of Liquibase is updating the database.

Database management options

Liquibase offers many ways to manage your database changes:

  • Run the command-line client (CLI).
  • Use the Liquibase Java API and integrate Liquibase into your application to deploy database modifications on the application startup.
  • Integrate Liquibase into your build processes using Maven, Spring Boot, Ant, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or other CI/CD tools.
  • Combine Liquibase with ephemeral environments in Docker.

Step-by-step instructions on Liquibase with IRIS

Install Liquibase

To employ Liquibase CLI, install Liquibase on your OS:
1. Install Java (if you do not have it yet).
2. Download Liquibase CLI (

3. If necessary, you can download the Windows or Mac installer or simply get the zip file and extract it to any folder.
4. Add the Liquibase installation directory to your system PATH (when you use the Installer, the path is included automatically).
5. From a command line or terminal, type liquibase --version to verify that Liquibase has been installed successfully:

Set Liquibase for your IRIS project

We will use a sample to see Liquibase in action, so follow the next steps:
1. Do a git clone for the project intersystems-iris-dev-template (

git clone

2. Go to the folder intersystems-iris-dev-template and open the project on VSCode:

3. Open a new Terminal:

4. Run the project:

5. After the project has started, go to the Docker Desktop > Containers and expand intersystems-iris-dev-template; then get the host port for the superport 1972 (in my case it is 51418):

6. Create the file in the root project folder with the following content (pay attention to the right port on the URL, in my case, it is 51418):

driver: com.intersystems.jdbc.IRISDriver
classpath: ./lib/intersystems-jdbc-3.8.4.jar
url: jdbc:IRIS://
username: _SYSTEM
password: SYS
changeLogFile: db.changelog.xml

7. Create the file db.changelog.xml in the root project folder with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <changeSet  id="1"  author="yuri">
        <createTable schemaName="dc_sample"  tableName="persons">
            <column  name="id"  type="int"  autoIncrement="true">
                <constraints  primaryKey="true"  nullable="false"/>
            <column  name="firstname"  type="varchar(50)"/>
            <column  name="lastname"  type="varchar(50)">
                <constraints  nullable="false"/>
            <column  name="state"  type="char(2)"/>
    <changeSet  id="2"  author="yuri">
        <addColumn  schemaName="dc_sample" tableName="persons">
            <column  name="username"  type="varchar(8)"/>
    <changeSet  id="3"  author="yuri">
        <addLookupTable existingTableSchemaName="dc_sample"
            existingTableName="persons" newTableSchemaName="dc_sample"  existingColumnName="state"
            newTableName="state"  newColumnName="id"  newColumnDataType="char(2)"/>

8. Using the terminal, execute the command liquibase update on the root folder:

9. Look at the results on the terminal:

All three defined changesets have run successfully.

10. Check out the results on Management Portal or on DBeaver:

11. Run the history command to review all the changes that were made:

Liquibase commands

In addition to the update command, the Liquibase is equipped with more than 40 different commands providing its users the ability to execute various database change management operations (source:

Database update commands

Command Description
rollback It rolls the database back to the state it was in when the tag was applied.
rollback-sql This helper command produces the raw SQL Liquibase that will run when operating the rollbackByTag command.
rollback-to-date It rolls the database back to the state it was in at the given date/time.
rollback-to-date-sql This helper command allows you to inspect the SQL Liquibase will run while employing the rollback-to-date command.
rollback-count It rolls back the last <value> changesets.
rollback-count-sql It writes SQL to roll back the previous <value> changesets to STDOUT.
future-rollback-sql It writes SQL to roll back the database to the current state after the changes in the changelog have been applied.
future-rollback-count-sql It generates the SQL that Liquibase would use to sequentially revert the number of alterations associated with undeployed changesets that have been added to a changelog file.
future-rollback-from-tag-sql It produces the raw SQL Liquibase would need to roll back all undeployed modifications made up to the specified tag.


Database inspection commands

Command Description
diff It describes differences between two databases to standardize them.
diff JSON It allows you to compare two databases of the same or different types and use the output in a JSON format.
diff-changelog It adds any differences between the specified databases to a changelog. It can be appended in any supported changelog format.
generate-changelog It generates a changelog from a database when you add Liquibase to a new project. It is synonymous with snapshots except that it saves the output as XML in the changelog.
snapshot It gathers the current database schema and displays this information to STDOUT. There is also an option to save the schema in JSON format and later use that JSON snapshot as a comparison database.
snapshot-reference It captures the current state of the referenceURL database, which is the source database.


Change tracking commands

Command Description
history It lists all deployed changesets and their deploymentIDs.
status It outputs the count (or list, if --verbose) of changesets that have not been deployed.
unexpected-changesets It produces a list of changesets that were run in the database but do not exist in the current changelog.

All other commands are documented on the following webpage:

Liquibase Change Types

A Change Type is a database-independent XML, YAML, or JSON formatted modification that you can specify to update your database with Liquibase. Change Types correspond to SQL statements applied to your database, e.g., CREATE TABLE.You determine the Change Type you wish to employ within a Changeset in your Changelog (source: This tutorial utilized XML change type. However, it is possible to work with YAML or JSON as well. Look at the samples below:

YAML change type

To use YAML-based changelogs, you must include snakeyaml-<version>.jar in your classpath. In the example below, the changelog contains changesets that do the following (source:

  1. It creates a new person table with columns id, firstname, lastname, and state;
  2. It adds a new username column to the person table;
  3. It creates a lookup table state using data from a person.
- changeSet:
      id:  1
      labels: example-label
      context: example-context
      comment: example-comment
       - createTable:
            tableName:  person
              - column:
                  name:  id
                  type:  int
                  autoIncrement:  true
                    primaryKey:  true
                    nullable:  false
              - column:
                  name:  name
                  type:  varchar(50)
                    nullable:  false
              - column:
                  name:  address1
                  type:  varchar(50)
              - column:
                  name:  address2
                  type:  varchar(50)
              - column:
                  name:  city
                  type:  varchar(30)
- changeSet:
      id:  2
      labels: example-label
      context: example-context
      comment: example-comment
       - createTable:
            tableName:  company
              - column:
                  name:  id
                  type:  int
                  autoIncrement:  true
                    primaryKey:  true
                    nullable:  false
              - column:
                  name:  name
                  type:  varchar(50)
                    nullable:  false
              - column:
                  name:  address1
                  type:  varchar(50)
              - column:
                  name:  address2
                  type:  varchar(50)
              - column:
                  name:  city
                  type:  varchar(30)
- changeSet:
      id:  3
      labels: example-label
      context: example-context
      comment: example-comment
       - addColumn:
            tableName:  person
              - column:
                  name:  country
                  type:  varchar(2)

JSON Change Type

When operating a JSON-based changelog file, you need to select one of the following ways to audit your database and execute alterations (source:

  • Pass it as an argument in the command line during runtime:
liquibase update --changelog-file=example-changelog.json
  • Specify it in the Liquibase properties file:
changelog-file: ../example-changelog.json

You can also include other related properties in the properties file, e.g., searchPath, which defines the directories and .jar files to search for changelog files. If you have multiple files, they can be separated with commas. Check out the following sample:

    "databaseChangeLog": [
        "changeSet": {
          "id": "1",
          "author": "yuri",
          "changes": [
              "createTable": {
                "tableName": "person",
                "columns": [
                    "column": {
                      "name": "id",
                      "type": "int",
                      "autoIncrement": true,
                      "constraints": {
                        "primaryKey": true,
                        "nullable": false
                    "column": {
                      "name": "firstname",
                      "type": "varchar(50)"
                    "column": {
                      "name": "lastname",
                      "type": "varchar(50)",
                      "constraints": {
                        "nullable": false
                    "column": {
                      "name": "state",
                      "type": "char(2)"
        "changeSet": {
          "id": "2",
          "author": "robert",
          "changes": [
              "addColumn": {
                "tableName": "person",
                "columns": [
                    "column": {
                      "name": "username",
                      "type": "varchar(8)"
        "changeSet": {
          "id": "3",
          "author": "carlos",
          "changes": [
              "addLookupTable": {
                "existingTableName": "person",
                "existingColumnName": "state",
                "newTableName": "state",
                "newColumnName": "id",
                "newColumnDataType": "char(2)",

SQL Change Type

It is possible to operate SQL as a change type as well. However, database independence will not be guaranteed once product-specific SQL has been written (click the following link for more information: Take a look at the sample below:

--liquibase formatted sql
--changeset labels:example-label context:example-context
--comment: example comment
create table person (
    id int primary key auto_increment not null,
    name varchar(50) not null,
    address1 varchar(50),
    address2 varchar(50),
    city varchar(30)
--rollback DROP TABLE person;
--changeset labels:example-label context:example-context
--comment: example comment
create table company (
    id int primary key auto_increment not null,
    name varchar(50) not null,
    address1 varchar(50),
    address2 varchar(50),
    city varchar(30)
--rollback DROP TABLE company;
--changeset labels:example-label context:example-context
--comment: example comment
alter table person add column country varchar(2)
--rollback ALTER TABLE person DROP COLUMN country;

Using Liquibase on DevOps projects

You can also use Liquibase on DevOps projects. It means that whenever your database creation/modification source code is uploaded to GitHub or GitLab, you can run Liquibase to synchronize the new version with the target database. To do it (when you work with GitHub), you can use a Github action. To see a sample, examine the following link However, in a nutshell, you must create the folder /.github/workflows/yourfile.yml and write something similar to the code below:

on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Test Liquibase Action
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: liquibase/liquibase-github-action@v2
          operation: 'update'
          changeLogFile: 'db.changelog.yml'
          username: ${{ secrets.USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}
          url: ${{ secrets.URL }}
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