· May 18, 2024

Confusion regarding order status

Hi. I am struggling to understand the meaning of different elements of an order in my hospital's EHR.

Page: EPR > All Orders

Question: What is the difference between Start Date and Date Executed and Order End Date? If an order was started on Monday and executeed on Tuesday.. does this mean the patient received the order on Monday or Tuesday? and what is End date?

Also, how do I interpret order status? What is the difference between discontinued, verified, and executed?

Also, some  orders have a green / red / yellow bar to their left, that continues as a line under that row. What does that mean?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @Balkis Zaitoun 
Order start date and end date is day when the order was ordered and and end date is just a normal end date when the order has to stop charging

Order executed is when the item is administered or given to patient.

Order status varies on Mutiple options: verified is default when ordered and executed is when its given to patient and discontinued is like deleting from charging against the patient

Its a representation of order priority, eg:, stat, discharge medication etc

Hope this helps