· Jan 25, 2024

Comparing two contexts in a BPL in an IF

I am able to capture two values in two separate contexts in the BPL. One through an API call and another by looking at the contents of PV1:7. These are context.Prov  and context.ProvName. I am checking to see if the values contained in the contexts are the same and if yes process further and if not stop.

In the IF statement I tried the below but none worked. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. The trace does show that they are the same value so that's not it. 

1. context.Prov = context.ProvName

2.  "context.Prov" = "context.ProvName" and

3.  context.Prov [ context.ProvName

Product version: IRIS 2021.2
Discussion (4)3
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