· Jan 13, 2022 1m read

Database of exchange rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

A full cycle project, from initial data initialization, daily update products from the official website, a service for sending a course on request and receiving a schedule for any period.

After installing the project, we will get a table of ruble exchange rates against the main currencies of the world established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for 2016-2021.
Launching the product service with default settings will allow you to receive daily new exchange rates for the current day.
If necessary, you can load the missing data with the product service by changing the parameter CountDay

Or in the terminal with the command:

do ##class(appmsw.cbrf.util).initDb("2021-01-01","2021-01-10")

You can get information for the required period by making a request to the rest service

You can also run a query in the terminal:

USER>D $System.SQL.Shell()
[SQL]USER>>select CharCode, DateExchangeRates, Nominal, NumCode, Value from appmsw_cbrf.tabex where DateExchangeRates >= '2022-01-04' and DateExchangeRates <= '20221-01-05'


The data is quite real and can be used for calculation and analytical programs.

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