
Make translation

IRIS and the order of operations: 1*2+2*3=12 but (1*2)+(2*3)=8; is there a setting somewhere to adopt the same conventions as everyone else in the world ?

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Make translation

IRIS and the order of operations: 1*2+2*3=12 but (1*2)+(2*3)=8; is there a setting somewhere to adopt the same conventions as everyone else in the world ?

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Make translation

IRIS and the order of operations: 1*2+2*3=12 but (1*2)+(2*3)=8; is there a setting somewhere to adopt the same conventions as everyone else in the world ?

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Make translation

IRIS and the order of operations: 1*2+2*3=12 but (1*2)+(2*3)=8; is there a setting somewhere to adopt the same conventions as everyone else in the world ?

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Make translation

IRIS and the order of operations: 1*2+2*3=12 but (1*2)+(2*3)=8; is there a setting somewhere to adopt the same conventions as everyone else in the world ?

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