· Oct 19, 2021

Change Font Colour in tablepane

Hi Guys,

How can I programmatically change the font colour in column in tablepane, for example to text in a specific column to be red, maybe that could be done in  %OnAfterCreatePage or  OnDrawCell ?



Product version: Ensemble 2014.1
Discussion (2)1
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I don't know how to change the font colour directly (of that data), but...

You can use OnDrawCell and inside the method get the data and set the style.

 Method MyMethod(pTable As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, pName As %String, pSeed As %String) As %Status
    If (pName="colName") {
        Set cellData = %query("colName"),
            myColor = "red"
            <div style="color:#(myColor)#">
            <!-- You can write something, for example: if cellData is a number (of minutes) you could do what's below. -->
                #(cellData)# minutes
    Return $$$OK

If you do this, that column will not order anymore