· Jan 25, 2021

How could we retrieve an image from an external system using Ensemble?


We would be grateful if you could help us,

Our aim is to develop a method which retrieves an image stored in an external system, using a REST Operation

To upload the image we have the following code:

/// Operacion para gestionar el Registro imagen identidad digital en Tarjeta Sanitaria
Class Operaciones.REST.miSCS.miSCS Extends EnsLib.REST.Operation

Parameter INVOCATION = "Queue";

/// Subir la imagen del usuario
/// La documentación para crear este metodo es:
Method SubirImagen(pRequest As Mensajes.Request.miSCS.SubirImagen, pResponse As Mensajes.Response.miSCS.SubirImagen) As %Library.Status
$$$LOGINFO("pRequest.imagen: "_pRequest.imagen) //Creamos Request y Response HTTP
Set httpRequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
set tResponse = ##class(%Net.HttpResponse).%New() // Generamos la parte que contiene a las demás partes, la "raiz", RootMIMEPart
    Set RootMIMEPart=##class(%Net.MIMEPart).%New()
    //Creamos la primera "subparte" con el expediente
    Set ExpedienteMIMEPart=##class(%Net.MIMEPart).%New()
    Set contentdisp="form-data; name=""expediente"""
    Do ExpedienteMIMEPart.SetHeader("Content-Disposition",contentdisp)
    Set ExpedienteMIMEPart.Body=pRequest.expediente
    //Do ExpedienteMIMEPart.SetHeader("Content-Type","text/plain") ; esto no se envia en POSTMAN
    //Asignamos la imagen
    //Esto si funciona (la guarda como jpg y al descargarla se ve)
    Set docStream=##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
   //Set sc=docStream.LinkToFile("C:\InterSystems\avatar prueba.jpg")     // Esto no funciona (guarda el base64 directo, no el binario;
    // es decir, guarda lo mismo que enviamos desde POSTMAN)
    //set docStream = pRequest.imagen
    //Si ponemos pRequest.imagen como string, enviamos el base64 por postman y decodificamos aqui a binario si
    //guarda la imagen como jpg
    set binary = $system.Encryption.Base64Decode(pRequest.imagen)
    do docStream.Write(binary)
    // Instanciamos la segunda "subparte" con la imagen
    Set ImagenMIMEPart=##class(%Net.MIMEPart).%New()
    // Incluimos la imagen, el docStream, en la subparte MIME
    Do ImagenMIMEPart.BodySet(docStream)
    // Cabeceras
    Set ImagenMIMEPart.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
    Do ImagenMIMEPart.SetHeader("Content-Disposition","form-data; name=""imagen""; filename=""imagen.jpg""")
    // Insertamos las dos subpartes en la raiz
    Do RootMIMEPart.Parts.Insert(ExpedienteMIMEPart)
    Do RootMIMEPart.Parts.Insert(ImagenMIMEPart) // Creamos el MIME writer
    Set writer=##class(%Net.MIMEWriter).%New()     // Preparamos para enviar el mensaje MIME a la peticion HTTP
    Set httpRequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
    Set status=writer.OutputToStream(httpRequest.EntityBody)
    if $$$ISERR(status) {do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(status) Quit}     // Escribimos el contenido del mensaje MIME en la peticion HTTP
    Set status=writer.WriteMIMEBody(RootMIMEPart)
    if $$$ISERR(status) {do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(status) Quit} // Creamos la URL
set url      = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.PARAMETRIZACIONES","url")
set path     = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.PARAMETRIZACIONES","path")
set servicio = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.PARAMETRIZACIONES","servicio")
set recurso  = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.PARAMETRIZACIONES","subirImagen") set URL      = "http://"_url_path_servicio_recurso

//Escribimos el tipo de contenido que enviamos en la raiz
Set httpRequest.ContentType="multipart/form-data; boundary="_RootMIMEPart.Boundary 
$$$LOGINFO("> httpRequest.ContentType: "_httpRequest.ContentType) //Enviamos al sistema externo
set tSC=httpRequest.Post(URL,0)
$$$LOGINFO("tSC: "_tSC) //Lanzamos excepcion si hubo error
if $$$ISERR(tSC){
//Obtenemos respuesta
set tResponse = httpRequest.HttpResponse //Leemos respuesta
if (tResponse.Data.AtEnd = 0) {
set linea = tResponse.Data.Read()
$$$LOGINFO("Linea: "_linea)
} //Rellenamos response
set pResponse = ##class(Mensajes.Response.miSCS.SubirImagen).%New()
set pResponse.resultado = 1
set pResponse.informacion = linea 
//Traducimos codigo del resultado, a descripcion
//set pResponse.informacion = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.CODIGOSTSI",linea) Quit pResponse

XData MessageMap
  <MapItem MessageType="Mensajes.Request.miSCS.SubirImagen">



We have written the following code to retrieve the image:


/// Operacion para gestionar el la imagen
Class Operaciones.REST.miSCS.miSCS Extends EnsLib.REST.Operation

/// Obtener la imagen del usuario
Method ConsultarImagen(pRequest As Mensajes.Request.miSCS.ConsultarImagen, pResponse As Mensajes.Response.miSCS.ConsultarImagen) As %Library.Status
set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
set tResponse = ##class(%Net.HttpResponse).%New()
set httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json"
set url      = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.PARAMETRIZACIONES","url")
set path     = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.PARAMETRIZACIONES","path")
set servicio = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.PARAMETRIZACIONES","servicio")
set recurso  = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("MISCS.PARAMETRIZACIONES","consultarImagen") set URL = "http://"_url_path_servicio_recurso

$$$LOGINFO("URL: "_URL) set tFormVarNames = "expediente"
set tData("expediente") = pRequest.expediente set tSC = ..Adapter.SendFormDataArray(.tResponse,"GET",httpRequest,.tFormVarNames,.tData,URL)
$$$LOGINFO("tSC: "_tSC) if $$$ISERR(tSC){
if (tResponse.Data.AtEnd = 0) {
set linea = tResponse.Data.Read()
$$$LOGINFO("Linea: "_linea)
} set pResponse = ##class(Mensajes.Response.miSCS.ConsultarImagen).%New()
set pResponse.resultado = 1
set pResponse.informacion = linea Quit pResponse

XData MessageMap
  <MapItem MessageType="Mensajes.Request.miSCS.ConsultarImagen">


1 To upload an image we do the following

- We choose a JPG and open it with Notepad, we observe: ÿØÿà JFIF...

- We encode it to base64 using the following conversor: ,  the result is: /9j/4CAQSk...


-2 If we send the request to our ESB REST Service using POSTMAN to the patient 9999


The external system replies that it has been succesfuly uploaded

If we get this image directly from the external system endpoint, we get it as a correct JPG:



It is correct because if we save it and open, it loads the original image:

3 However here comes the challenge:

When we execute the method "consultarImagen" to get the uploaded image from the ESB, to the patient 9999:

1 The external system replies something which looks like a JPG:

And we send to the service something which could look like the original JPG:


But when we see the output being sent to the POSTMAN, we see some strange symbols like "\x00" or "\x01"

So if we save this response:

And we leave just the image part:


It does not represent an image

4 In addition, we have tried in our REST Service, to convert the image to base64 as follows:

/// Obtener la imagen guardada
Method consultarImagen(pInput As %Stream.Object, Output pOutput As %Stream.Object) As %Status
Set pOutput=##class(%GlobalBinaryStream).%New()
set claseAux = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%New() //Necesitamos sacar la cabecera "request" de la peticion REST
set req = $tr(pInput.GetAttribute("request"),"")
set tSC= claseAux.%ConvertJSONToObject(.req,"Mensajes.Request.miSCS.ConsultarImagen",.objetoEntrada,1) //Enviamos al Proceso
set tSC = ..SendRequestSync("miSCS",objetoEntrada,.objetoSalida) 

//Implementar el codificar la imagen que viene en objetoSalida.informacion de texto con letras extrañas a base64 $$$LOGINFO("objetoSalida.informacion: "_objetoSalida.informacion)
set imagenBase64 = $System.Encryption.Base64Encode(objetoSalida.informacion)
$$$LOGINFO("imagenBase64: "_imagenBase64)
set objetoSalida.informacion = imagenBase64
$$$LOGINFO("objetoSalida.informacion: "_objetoSalida.informacion)
//Convertimos el OBJETO devuelto por el Proceso en JSON
set tSC = claseAux.%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(.pOutput,.objetoSalida,,,,"aeloqtuw") //Enviamos el JSON con cabeceras
Do:$$$ISOK(tSC) pOutput.SetAttribute("Content-Type","application/json")
do pOutput.SetAttribute("Access-Control-Allow-Origin","*")
do pOutput.SetAttribute("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials","true")
do pOutput.SetAttribute("Access-Control-Allow-Methods","GET")
    do pOutput.SetAttribute("Access-Control-Allow-Headers","request,Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Origin,Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers")
Quit tSC


If we get the image now, we observe it as base64:

When we download it:


Get just the image part:

Then decode it from base64:

If we save the string generated as a jpg, it does not represent an image:

Could you help us?? ←

→ We have also read:


Thanks for your help,

Discussion (1)2
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It is not 100% clear to me what is causing your problem but one issue with your code that I foresee is resiliency around image sizes. You are using a lot of string processing to handle images which is very risky. If your image file size exceeds the length of a string, you will run into <MAXSTRING> errors and other problems. Particularly since this isn't human-readable text that you will need to do things like $ZCVT or $REPLACE, I suggest refactoring your code to handle this data as streams.