· May 1, 2020

New Video: What is Machine Learning?

Hi Developers,

New to machine learning? Watch this video on InterSystems Developers YouTube to understand the basic concepts of machine learning and how it provides value in applications around the world today: 

⏯ What is Machine Learning?
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This video introduces the basic concepts of machine learning and some of its potential uses and benefits. You will also find a brief overview of IntegratedML in InterSystems IRIS Data Platform and see how you can implement machine learning in your applications directly from the SQL environment of InterSystems IRIS.

If you would like to explore a wider range of topics related to this video, please check out the IntegratedML Resource Guide.

Ready to try InterSystems IRIS?

Take our data platform for a spin with the IDE trial experience: Start Coding for Free.

Stay tuned! 👍🏼

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