· Jan 4, 2018

Diagraming our service


Our ensemble instance has grown significantly since it was first implemented in 2014, and the old interfaces diagram is no longer useful. We started with a few HL7v2 ADT and demographic interfaces, but our use of Ensemble* has grown to include document interfaces, orders and results, ITK and inbound and outbound interfaces from other organisations. (more and more like an Enterprise Service Bus than a simple integration engine)

I'm looking for examples of and methods for creating;

  1. a nice overview diagram for interfacing at our organisation using Ensemble/HSHC
  2. diagram of legacy interfaces that need to be moved to Ensemble/HSHC
  3. diagrams of specific interfaces  (e.g. document interface from transcription system to two clinical systems, a portal, managed mail and a third party GP electronic messaging service

The main purpose of the diagrams is to help communicate to others outside the interfacing team, as out work is essentially invisible until something goes wrong.

I'm interested in manually or generated diagrams, and strategies to make diagram production quicker, while producing attractive diagrams that can help effective communication.

Kind regards,


* We will be upgrading to HSHC shortly.

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I would be interested in your approach.

I do not have the latest greatest for VISIO but it looks like in the latest release there is a Data Visualizer, which would allow you to map from Excel to Visio.

Preface I am new to InterSystems so there maybe a way to automatically produce the system documentation like some of the other engines out there.