· Oct 23, 2017

How to modify Production Settings with %Installer

The Installer Manifest has the option to modify the production level settings for AutoStart but is there a way to change settings such as ActorPoolSize and other settings? What would the format be to change such a setting to change the ActorPoolSize to 2?

<Production Name="MyProduction">



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Just looking at the production class for one of the sample edge gateways in the HealthShare demo, ActorPoolSize is specified like this:

<Production Name="HSEDGE1PKG.EdgeGatewayProduction" TestingEnabled="true" LogGeneralTraceEvents="false">
  <Description>An example production showing a simple file based HL7 v2.x Edge Gateway configuration</Description>
  <Setting Target="Production" Name="ShutdownTimeout">10</Setting>

So, I'd assume you would just put 2, or whatever size you want, in between those tags in the installer manifest.  But, this is just my assumption, and not based on actual knowledge!