· Apr 4, 2017

Methods for Working with Third Party APIs?


I am interested in working with a third-party API in my instance of the Community Portal.  I was curious as to how you all work with third-party apis.  Do you typically connect directly from within a ZEN Mojo Page or do you route the request through an operation in the management portal?  Are there any sort of best practices I should be aware of?




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Hi Bob

Could you just clarify the HealthShare products you are using, is it Personal Community or is it information Exchange. Connecting up a new source of information for display back to clinicians or to citizens is normally a task performed in the Information Exchange. There is a very useful book in the documentation that will take you through the mechanics of this, which assuming default installation parameters would be:


Obviously adjust the host/port as appropriate if not using the defaults.

That said I am not 100% sure this specifically answers your question. Please just let us know if it does not.
