· Mar 28, 2017

March DC Release: better notifications, better performance

Hi, Community!

Here are some news on Developer Community enhancements.

In March we fixed a lot of bugs and rearranged the notification system, so I hope you'll be happy with it now.

Enhanced content of the notification

With this new release in every email notification you'll see the reason, why did you get this particular notification and the option to unsubscribe of this types of notifications.

The notification will indicate whether you are subscribed to everything, or to particular group/tag, post or you got the message because you are following some member.

To check your current subscriptions please refer to this article which is updated according to new changes in notifications. 

Digest mode of notifications is fixed and usable now.

Turn on digest mode if you want to get truncated texts of postings in notifications and to alter the interval of notifications (from ASAP to daily).

Also, we are changing the community engine to make it work faster. We did some enhancements, hope you can see that Community UI became more interactive. But we continue working to make it work better and faster.

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