· Jan 20, 2016 1m read

dates in the group listing - why so old?

I went to

I noticed there were some very old dates listed.  

What are these dates?  Is it the date of the latest post? the date the group was created(not useful)?

Why is the community manager (with out a pic) listed above each of the groups (creator of the group )?

Listing the creator of the group and how longago it was created is not useful information.  More useful info is the date of the last post.


Discussion (4)0
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My guess is that the system is set up so "groups" can be created dynamically in the same way posts are.  This likely answers all your questions.  It's the date the group was created and the group was created by the system user "Community Manager".  This also explains why the index loads dynamically instead of assuming a finite number of groups.

I completely agree though, this is not useful information.

Update: You might also notice that this groups index you linked shouldn't technically be accessible.  The preferred view, as navigable from the menu, is the "community" view: