Article Nikolay Solovyev · Jun 21, 2023 3m read Telegram Adapter for InterSystems IRIS The Telegram Adapter for InterSystems IRIS serves as a bridge between the popular Telegram messaging platform and InterSystems IRIS, facilitating seamless communication and data exchange. #Business Operation #Business Service #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 5 0 2 289
Question Nikolay Solovyev · Sep 20, 2022 CreateBusinessService() from Trigger I'm trying to send a message into a production on change a persistent object. And when I change an object using SQL - I get an error, when change the object using objectscript - I get a message (but not an error or exception) But the most interesting - everything works fine (the object has been changed, and business service receives data) Persistent class #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS 1 2 0 318
Article Nikolay Solovyev · Nov 23, 2021 1m read InterSystems Package Manager ZPM 0.3.2 release A new release of ZPM has been published - ZPM 0.3.2. New in this release: #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Release #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 1 2 0 350
Announcement Nikolay Solovyev · Apr 8, 2021 InterSystems Package Manager ZPM 0.2.14 release We released a new version of ZPM (Package Manager) New in ZPM 0.2.14 release: Publishing timeout Embedded vars usage in module parameters Package installation from Github repo Transaction support for install, load and publish. See the details below. #Deployment #Development Environment #DevOps #ObjectScript #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 3 4 0 228
Announcement Nikolay Solovyev · Apr 2, 2021 New ZPM-Registry feature – Proxy-Registry ZPM-Registry – is the package registry for the ZPM package manager. As you probably know, the ZPM package manager is configured by default to work with the public community registry, which currently has more than 150 packages published.You can install and configure your own registry for use in your organization. #Deployment #Development Environment #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 3 2 1 400
Announcement Nikolay Solovyev · Jan 11, 2021 InterSystems Package Manager ZPM 0.2.10 release We released a new version of ZPM (Package Manager) New in ZPM 0.2.10 release: 1) FileCopy Added some improvements to already existing tag FileCopy Example of module.xml #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Release #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 0 2 0 270
Announcement Nikolay Solovyev · Nov 4, 2020 InterSystems Package Manager ZPM 0.2.8 release We released a new version of ZPM (Package Manager) New in this release: 1) Interoperability support - support for dtl, bpl, lut, esd, x12 in module.xml Now it's allowed to refer to DTL and BPL files. ZPM stores and uses them as CLS. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Release #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 1 0 0 185
Article Nikolay Solovyev · Oct 9, 2020 1m read InterSystems Package Manager ZPM 0.2.7 release We released a new version of ZPM, with a set of great enhancements: $zpm function new arguments for search command and more! See the details below #ObjectScript #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Release #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 2 3 0 278
Article Nikolay Solovyev · Jun 24, 2020 2m read Automatic generation of module.xml for ZPM ZPM is a package manager designed for convenient deployment of applications and modules on the IRIS platform. Module developers, in order for their module to be installed using ZPM, need to follow a series of simple steps. #Deployment #ObjectScript #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange 4 2 1 474
Article Nikolay Solovyev · Feb 17, 2020 5m read IRIS Interoperability adapter for Dasha.AI: voice interface for your application Dasha.AI is a platform that allows you to create and manage voice interfaces for your applications. One of Dasha’s distinctive features is that most users believe they are talking to a human, not a robot. Voice is the most natural way for people to interact. Dasha allows to use voice interface to interact with your application as naturally as communication between people. #Interoperability #Tools #UI Development #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 2 0 3 300
Article Nikolay Solovyev · Aug 1, 2019 3m read Nested set model for ObjectScript In many projects I was faced with storing hierarchical data (tree) in classes.By tree, I mean such data, where each node has a parent node — an object of the same class.Many examples of such data can be given. For example, a catalog in the online store. Suppose that this online store sells books, in this case, the category tree might look like this: #Beginner #Code Snippet #Data Model #Databases #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 6 1 1 973
Article Nikolay Solovyev · Feb 19, 2019 6m read Ethereum Adapter for InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 1. BlockchainAs I am writing this article, Bitcoin costs less than one-fifth of what it used to be at the pinnacle of its success. So when I start telling someone about my blockchain experience, the first thing I hear is undisguised skepticism: "who needs this blockchain stuff now anyway?"That's right, the blockchain hype has waned. However, the technologies it is based on are here to stay and will continue being used in particular areas.The Internet in general offer tons of materials describing the general usage of these technologies #Interoperability #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 6 4 2 872
Article Nikolay Solovyev · Apr 25, 2018 4m read Sending Alerts from Ensemble via Telegram "Telegram" is a well-known instant messenger, which provides an API for creating bots. The features of this API allow you to create bots with a wide range of functionality including receiving payments. With the help of the telegram bot, I solved a simple task - sending Alerts from Ensemble to Telegram.Advantages: Alerts come to the mobile phone, a notification appears, so there is no need to install any additional applications (in contrast to the solution httpoutboundadapter).The bot can be extended by adding new commands, for example, for managing the Production or for solving other tasks in Iris, Ensemble or Cache. #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS 14 0 5 1.3K