Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Sep 19, 2023 2m read IRIS management portal on the Django framework Hello to all developers and IRIS users. I am submitting to the competition a project for an alternative IRIS management portal that I have long wanted to create. The project was implemented on the Django framework and the intersystems_irispython-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl library using native IRIS. The Django project is integrated with the telegram messenger and can be launched from a docker container or directly. #Management Portal #Python #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 2 1 1 234
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Jul 4, 2023 1m read Home, warm home This project is implemented as a tool for viewing temperature data taken from a temperature sensor installed in Rasperry PI and located in a remote place where there is Internet, for example, in dacha. #Docker #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Open Source #Python #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 2 0 1 155
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Jan 24, 2023 8m read Some aspects of migrating JDBC settings between IRIS instances. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #JDBC #System Administration #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 3 2 0 612
Announcement Sergey Mikhailenko · May 31, 2022 Apptools-admin - project admin tool for creating apps I have been developing this project for many years. He helps me a lot in my daily work as a DBA and full stack developer. This project has grown into a platform on which many of my other projects are based. You can read more about the project in the article. And I proposed this project for the contest, maybe it will be useful to you. #Development Environment #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 1 0 0 181
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · May 31, 2022 1m read Project info chest I think each of us has on the computer directories with photo files of relatives and friends, music albums of favorite bands and singers, as well as e-book libraries. I also have them, and I came up with the idea to implement a convenient interface for these files. You can read more about the project in the article. And I proposed this project for the contest, maybe it will be useful to you. #Contest #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 0 0 0 156
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Apr 8, 2022 2m read Project zpm-generate-ui (znamespace, package, view, edit) Article 3. I will devote the third article to a story about the additional features of the project. znamespace Very often you need to find out if there is a specific package in the current instance, for example, so as not to duplicate. To do this, I implemented a modification of the namespace command of the package manager, on the option tab, you need to press the FIND button. #Tools #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 0 0 0 174
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Apr 5, 2022 2m read Project zpm-generate-ui (search, Install, repository, uninstall, publish) Article 2. In a previous article, I talked about the implemented package manager commands (generate, list, load). In this article I want to talk about other commands. repository On the Option tab, you can see which current case is set and switch #Tools #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 2 0 0 226
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Apr 4, 2022 2m read Project zpm-generate-ui (generate, list, load) Article 1. Before this project, I built zpm packages almost by hand. I edited the module.xml file, inserted resources into it and copied the resources to disk, then checked the correctness of the assembly. I was tired of it and I decided to make this work easier for myself. #Tools #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 0 0 1 361
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Feb 22, 2022 2m read Module for exporting IRIS queries to an Excel file using the python openpyxl library Hello everyone. I present this project to the contest. The export module is essential in many of my projects and is often used in all my product servers. #Tools #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 1 0 1 368
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Jan 18, 2022 5m read The practice of using badges for projects in OEX for a more convenient description of them It is becoming more and more common to see beautiful badges in the README.MD file with useful information about the current project in the repositories of GitHub, GitLab and others. For instance: #Best Practices #Docker #GitHub #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 11 4 3 623
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Jan 16, 2022 1m read The exchange-rate-cbrf-ui project is a demonstration of the application of the exchange rate database for the contest For the demonstration, a exchange-rate-cbrf-ui project was made and deployed an online demonstration in the cloud. For authorization, you can use the account superuser with password SYS #Databases #Deployment #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 1 0 1 161
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Jan 13, 2022 1m read Database of exchange rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. A full cycle project, from initial data initialization, daily update products from the official website, a service for sending a course on request and receiving a schedule for any period. #Analytics #Databases #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 2 0 1 231
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Nov 30, 2021 1m read A program to prohibit the use of old passwords. Looking at my old articles recently. I saw an undeservedly forgotten program that can significantly increase the security of your system by not allowing the user to use old passwords when changing. #Tools #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 1 2 308
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Nov 29, 2021 2m read Deploying solutions without source code from ZPM I recently published the "appmsw-docbook" module for deploying the solution not by individual programs, but by the entire database. This solution allows you to deploy a project without source codes. Having received feedback, I decided to improve it significantly. Replaced zip archive with tgz, which will allow not using external system-dependent archivers. #Tools #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 7 0 1 343
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Nov 29, 2021 2m read Changes to the security level of the system Developing the project zpm "install isc-apptools-lockdown" implemented the ability to set the security level not only to lockdown, but also to minimum and normal. Increasing security settings You can replace the shared password if the password of the predefined system users has been compromised #Tools #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 6 0 2 416
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Aug 14, 2021 2m read Deploy to production module to convert query results to xlsx file based on python openpyxl library Continuing the description of work on the use of the openhl python module in productive mode. Since the version of iris with Embedded Python, does not yet have a final release, it is already necessary to use it in production now. We decided to back up the service for exporting requests to a xlsx file on a separate server, and save the query result in a global in a separate database. #Python #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 8 0 1 342
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Jun 28, 2021 1m read The module for exporting a request to an Excel file, as an example of using Python. For a long time, we have been using a utility in production to export the result of a query to an Excel spreadsheet. Moreover, we have applied a modification of it, in which the explicit setting of column formats is a priority. #Python #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 2 0 478
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Apr 20, 2021 4m read Full screen editor for routines, arrays and text files in terminal mode Hello developers! I present to you the project of editors in terminal mode. The full-screen editor of routines, arrays and text files in terminal mode can be useful to you when debugging your project in docker or when your web interface is unavailable or limited for some reason. Although this project is self-sufficient, I decided to make it as an addition to the ‘zapm’ module for the convenience of calling editor commands. If your instance does not have a ZPM, then you can install the zapm-editor module in one line: #System Administration #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 3 4 0 249
Article Sergey Mikhailenko · Apr 16, 2021 7m read Access Matrix - Assigning a List of Roles to a List of Users When you have more than ten thousand users in your database, it becomes time-consuming and inconvenient to assign group access rights through the standard IRIS interface. In this artilce I want to introduce you an application to automate this process. I’ll show you how to assign and change the role lists for the users, selecting them by context, and I will also show you how to expand this application’s functionality. you know how to apply your work as an administrator and developer to the new features of the well-proven apptools software complex. With the addition of an adminLTE template, you can now quickly and easily create interface interactions for any entity and many functional modules. The goal while developing this toolkit is to write as little JavaScript as possible as well as transfer and implement all the dynamics as much as possible in the ObjectScript. #Code Snippet #Open Source #System Administration #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 4 0 0 635
Discussion Sergey Mikhailenko · Mar 15, 2021 We will improve the quality of the public register of the ZPM Hello, authors of projects published in ZPM. We ask you to add a module.xml to the file. attribute Description and republish your projects. To update the description of your module in the public register ZPM, update the release in Open Exchange please. Thanks. #Open Exchange 0 5 0 229