go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Oct 21, 2020 Thank you for noting the 'regulatory or certification requirements around this protocol' point. I need to find out.
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Jul 15, 2020 Thanks - interface maps looks cool - I'll check in 2020.1.
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Jul 15, 2020 I meant any classes, including plain objectscript that are called by running code, but I'd like to include dtl's and 'standard' classes for business process, etc., routing rules and schema's I'm just used to tools that identify unused methods and classes from other IDE's and I thought maybe I missed existing functionality?
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Mar 9, 2020 Hi Jeff, Is there a distinct Health Connect build? I'm upgrading from 2017.1 Kind regards, Stephen
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Oct 22, 2019 A foundation production is an interoperability production. The wizard creates the namespace and production and adds it to a register of healthshare productions visible on the wizard screen. The Ens.Activity.Operation.Local operation is used to collect/monitor production activity. See Monitoring Productions Monitoring Activity Volume for details. To summarise; The 'Configure Foundation' option in the Installer Wizard; creates a healthcare interoperability namespace and production adds this production to the register of productions on the Installer Wizard page A Foundation Production is just an normal interoperability production it is only critical in the sense that you need one to process messages in HSHC. it is the same as a HL7 routing production created with the Production Wizard except that it doesn't pre-populate with; HL7FileService, Ens.Alert, MsgRouter, BadMessageHandler,EMailAlert, HL7FileOperation and PagerAlert. it does include a Ens.Activity.Operation.Local operation (see Monitoring Productions Monitoring Activity Volume) HSHC 2019.1 also creates a Foundation Production and adds it to the list on the Installer Wizard page when you tick the 'enable names for interoperability productions' tickbox. (ticked by default in HSHC 2019.1) Advice: use the 'Configure Foundation' option in the Installer Wizard to create interoperability namespaces and their associated productions manually create whatever you need from HL7FileService, Ens.Alert, MsgRouter, BadMessageHandler,EMailAlert, HL7FileOperation and PagerAlert don't manually create interoperability namespaces and productions. use the wizard. Notes: the old 'New production' dialog doesn't add your production to the list of configurations defined at http://yourserver.etc:port/csp/healthshare/HS.HC.UI.Installer.Welcome.cls The 'start all' button wont start your new production, it will start the foundation production created when you created your namespace, or throw an error if you deleted it. (hitting 'stop all' stops all productions even if the are not in the 'register') WRC informed me that the Ens.Activity.Operation.Local operation will be removed in future versions. I don't know what that means for the Monitoring Productions Monitoring Activity Volume functionality?
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Oct 21, 2019 Thanks @Kurt Dawn I also contacted WRC and they were very helpful. To summarise; The 'Configure Foundation' option in the Installer Wizard; creates a healthcare interoperability namespace and production adds this production to the register of productions on the Installer Wizard page A Foundation Production is just an normal interoperability production it is only critical in the sense that you need one to process messages in HSHC. it is the same as a HL7 routing production created with the Production Wizard except that it doesn't pre-populate with; HL7FileService, Ens.Alert, MsgRouter, BadMessageHandler,EMailAlert, HL7FileOperation and PagerAlert. it does include a Ens.Activity.Operation.Local operation (see Monitoring Productions Monitoring Activity Volume) HSHC 2019.1 also creates a Foundation Production and adds it to the list on the Installer Wizard page when you tick the 'enable names for interoperability productions' tickbox. (ticked by default in HSHC 2019.1) Advice: use the 'Configure Foundation' option in the Installer Wizard to create interoperability namespaces and their associated productions manually create whatever you need from HL7FileService, Ens.Alert, MsgRouter, BadMessageHandler,EMailAlert, HL7FileOperation and PagerAlert Notes: the old 'New production' dialog doesn't add your production to the list of configurations defined at http://yourserver.etc:port/csp/healthshare/HS.HC.UI.Installer.Welcome.cls The 'start all' button wont start your new production, it will start the foundation production created when you created your namespace, or throw an error if you deleted it. (hitting 'stop all' stops all productions even if the are not in the 'register') WRC informed me that the Ens.Activity.Operation.Local operation will be removed in future versions. I don't know what that means for the Monitoring Productions Monitoring Activity Volume functionality? Wishlist: Creating HL7FileService, Ens.Alert, MsgRouter, BadMessageHandler,EMailAlert, HL7FileOperation, PagerAlert and Ens.Activity.Operation.Local should be an options in the 'Configure Foundation' option in the Installer Wizard dialog. (but the Ens.Activity.Operation.Local should be named ProductionActivityMonitor) More detail on the purpose of the foundation productions register on the installer wizard page an overview of the application architecture and clarify definitions of things like foundation productions 'register', HL7 routing production, interoperability production, and Foundation Production. Change the Installer Wizard 'help' link in the portal to Installing and Activating a Foundation Production. In the class reference 'Ens.Activity.Operation.Local' has the summary description 'This is a Business Operation class.': http://yourserver.etc:port/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?PAGE=CLASS... a pony. Just kidding. maybe. Kind regards, Stephen
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Oct 11, 2019 This brings me back to what does a Foundation production do? Unlike a HL7 routing production a Foundation Production only has an Ens.Activity.Operation.Local operation. While the HL7 routing production components are easily added manually, I'm reading their absence as an implied indication that HL7 routing is *intended* to be a separate production, in a separate namespace - assuming the one active production per namespace still applies. Stephen
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Oct 11, 2019 Thanks @Kenneth.Poindexter8571 that is helpful. Should the foundation production be used as a routing Production, or should I keep them separate?
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Oct 11, 2019 Added questions: Should the foundation production be used as a Interoperability Production or a routing Production? Are Interoperability and Routing productions the same thing? I am coming from ensemble where you build all your interfaces all in a single production.
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Jul 8, 2019 Thank you. Yes I am very interested. I've forwarded my email.You should look into posting this on Open Exchange https://openexchange.intersystems.com/ and claiming the points on Global Masters - there are some nice rewards and a new application gets tons of points that you can redeem: https://globalmasters.intersystems.com/rewards Thanks in advanceStephen
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Jun 28, 2019 Thank you to the community members who responded and Andrew Harris of InterSystems UK(WRC) I have combined the question and answer I received from Andrew and the community as an article: https://community.intersystems.com/post/speeding-source-and-target-drop-downs-message-viewer
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Jun 27, 2019 Thanks for the quick response!Have you tried rebuilding the indexes from the SQL portal. it seems achievable without downtime, but I worry about load. WRC recommended do ##class(%SYS.Maint.Bitmap).OneClass("Ens.MessageHeader",1,0), but suggested running it at a slower time of day because it would take 1 CPU out of action, and load a lot of data from disk into global buffers. I'm guessing rebuilding the indexes would add more load because it is less specific. Probably not a huge deal in quiet times.I'm doing some testing and will post my results.Kind regards, Stephen
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Jun 26, 2019 I *believe* I can safely do the following to my test and live instances command line; login to terminal zn "PRODUCTION" do ##class(%SYS.Maint.Bitmap).OneClass("Ens.MessageHeader",1,0) I'm checking with WRC
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Jun 26, 2019 Thanks, I'm Health Connect 17.1 - so not too old . It should run automatically as part of an Ensemble message purge. This is interesting as I already have Ens.Util.Tasks.Purge running daily to purge messages more than 30 days old.I've raised a support call on this with WRC so I'll update soon.Stephen
go to post Stephen De Gabrielle · Jun 25, 2019 I wrote a post on DC in 2017? Do I have to 'register' it to get points on Global Masters?Kind regards, Stephen