Discussion Maks Atygaev · Mar 28, 2020 Why Declarative ObjectScript is not a framework/tool but a matter message DISCLAIMER: I am not an InterSystems engineer or a professional ObjectScript developer. I just want to share my opinion about some things I am really miss in ObjectScript. I really appreciate everyone who support my project (Declarative ObjectScript) in contest #ObjectScript #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 3 2 0 236
Question Maks Atygaev · Mar 23, 2020 $lb ($listbuild) is instance of .... what? I know that collection is instance of %AbstractList. But what about $listbuild? Does it possible to detect that given variable is instance of $lb? #ObjectScript #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 597
Question Maks Atygaev · Mar 22, 2020 Appication publication failed with weird error message We received the following error while publishing your package declarative-objectscript:ERROR #6901: XSLT XML Transformer Error: unable to determine file base pathname in at line 0 offset 0InterSystems OpenExchange Team Anyone faced with? #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Open Exchange 0 1 0 254
Question Maks Atygaev · Nov 27, 2017 $lb vs $c for byte array Dear community!I'm currently working on MessagePack implementation by using Cache ObjectScript.I try to choose suitable representation for binary array.Should I use $lb or $c or smth else for it?https://msgpack.org/index.htmlhttps://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md #ObjectScript #Caché 1 9 0 825
Question Maks Atygaev · Nov 23, 2017 Webinar "Declarative programming on COS" Dear community!What do you think about webinar "Declarative programming on COS"? I want to do such one.I am going to tell about main points of declarative programming and how you can implement it in your real projects.Please feel free to write your opinion here.Please if you wish to become a member of such webinar write me a message to atygaev.mi@gmail.com with subject "webinar". #Caché #Webinar #ObjectScript 0 1 0 266
Question Maks Atygaev · Sep 13, 2017 New Programming Language - Discussion (Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash)Dear Developer Community!My name is Maks. #ObjectScript #Caché 0 15 0 1.4K
Article Maks Atygaev · Sep 6, 2017 5m read DeclarativeCOS — Declarative Programming in Caché The DeclarativeCOS project is a heartfelt cry about programming in the COS language. The purpose of the project is to draw attention of the public to improving the inner core of COS. The idea of the project is the support of a laconic syntax for cycles and collections. So what is this laconic something that I have come up with? Welcome to the examples below! Examples The key concept underlying the project is the declarative approach to writing code. You need to specify WHAT should be used and HOW. #ObjectScript #Caché Open Exchange app 7 31 0 1.8K
Article Maks Atygaev · Jul 18, 2017 7m read MonCaché - Caché as MongoDB MonCaché — MongoDB API implementation based on InterSystems Caché #API #Data Model #Databases #Document Data Model (NoSQL) #JSON #Node.js #Object Data Model #Caché 9 14 0 1.8K
Question Maks Atygaev · Mar 27, 2017 Chat bot for Cache instance control. Dear InterSystems Community! Do you control your Caché or Caché controls you?Recently, I decided to start the project about control of Caché instance. The control is based on communication with chat bot.For example, below text message shows current statistics of the certain Cache instance./stat <cache-instance> #Caché #Management Portal 0 9 0 606
Article Maks Atygaev · Dec 11, 2016 4m read Declarative development in Caché Caché offers a number of methods for going through a collection and doing something with its elements. The easiest method uses a while-loop and lets you fulfill the task in an imperative manner. The developer needs to take care of the iterator, jumping to the next element and checking if the loop is within the collection. #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Tips & Tricks #Caché 14 18 1 1.8K