#Part 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#Now we want to get a certain patient and add his phone number and change his name before saving our changes in the server

#Get the patient as a fhir.resources Patient of our list of patient resources who has the right name, for convenience we will use the patient we created before

I edited the line to have the family name and one of the given names I entered earlier and it still errors

patient0 = Patient.parse_obj(patients_resources.search(family='Foobar',given='MyName').first().serialize())

It is erroring on this line

#Part 3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Now we want to get a certain patient and add his phone number and change his name before saving our changes in the server #Get the patient as a fhir.resources Patient of our list of patient resources who has the right name, for convenience we will use the patient we created before patient0 = Patient.parse_obj(patients_resources.search(family='familyname',given='givenname1').first().serialize())