go to post Rustam Ibragimov · Aug 31, 2016 Amir, I have implemented UDL support in CacheGitHubCI. You can check it out. P.S. udl branch
go to post Rustam Ibragimov · Aug 30, 2016 Just now I realized that dfi files are in XML format even though you export it in UDL. The only difference is that I don't have several tags such as <Export> and <Document> in UDL. So I think better way would be to search for <Export> tag.
go to post Rustam Ibragimov · Aug 28, 2016 Hi, Amir.You can take a look on https://github.com/intersystems-ru/cache-source-control and https://github.com/intersystems-ru/CacheUpdater. They both have a basic handling of UDL format.
go to post Rustam Ibragimov · Aug 5, 2016 fileStream is of type %FileCharacterStream and rtn.Code is of type %CharacterStreamThis is the code: set rtn = ##class(%RoutineMgr).%OpenId(fileName) // write content to fileset fileStream = ##class(%FileCharacterStream).%New()set fileStream.Filename = fileLocationset status = fileStream.CopyFromAndSave(rtn.Code)
go to post Rustam Ibragimov · Jul 20, 2016 Where can find GetInternalName method? My class extends from %SYS.Task.Definition.And probably the path to the class will be different from the real name of the class. For example, the path is abc/qwe/file.cls but the name of the class is cache.hello.cls
go to post Rustam Ibragimov · Jul 20, 2016 The problem is that $system.OBJ.Load expects a file which is in xml, %ro and cdl formats. I get "Unknown file type" error for udl.
go to post Rustam Ibragimov · Jul 15, 2016 Thanks, %Compiler.UDL.TextServices really helped for class importing/exporting