Question William Glover · Oct 25, 2023 Subclass Property Retrieval I have a sub class that calls a method in the parent class it is derived from. However in the below code a <NO CURRENT OBJECT> error is thrown. Set propertyValue = $PROPERTY($THIS,name) #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 238
Question William Glover · Jun 26, 2023 Reasons for pResponse not being sent back to service from process I have a pResponse output in my onrequest method, in here I build an ACK and set the pResponse variable to it, and return a status object afterwards. The pResponse doesn't show up in the trace or message viewer, yet if I move the interface to another more established namespace it works fine, what settings or config could be preventing the ACKS going back? #Interoperability #HealthShare 0 4 0 199
Question William Glover · May 26, 2023 How to view if a mirror member has failed over recently? How can you tell if a mirror member has failed-over? #Ensemble 0 4 0 196
Question William Glover · May 22, 2023 How do you sign a JWT request? The below code gives a empty string output. Set secretSigned = ##class(%SYSTEM.Encryption).RSASHA1Sign(512,token,secret) #Key Question #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 10 0 322
Question William Glover · Feb 1, 2023 Finding the Port of an ensemble instance through windows Is there anyway outside of IRIS and Ensemble to guage what Port they are using? Ideally through file explorer, if it exists in a config file at all. I want to avoid searching through all active ports on the machine if possible. #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 185
Question William Glover · Jan 25, 2023 Running Compiled Code On An IRIS Instance I have deployed code onto a site in the compiled format. But when I try to call the code I get the error, <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST> Is there a specific way that you need to run compiled code? #InterSystems IRIS 0 6 0 189
Question William Glover · Jan 10, 2023 Using irisNative.ClassMethodStatusCode to call a class method, returns <REMOTE EXECUTE INVALID WRITE> error. InterSystems.Data.IRISClient.IRISException (0x00000000): ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <REMOTE EXECUTE INVALID WRITE>Load+20^%apiOBJ at InterSystems.Data.IRISClient.ADO.IRIS.ClassMethodStatusCode(String className, String methodName, Object[] args) at Setup.core.CacheCRUD.RunDeploymentClass() #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 260
Question William Glover · Dec 19, 2022 Running a classmethod from c# via Atelier API I have been able to insert a class using the Atelier API called in c# but now want to run it from the same code. Is there a way of calling a Cache class method from c# code? #Caché #Ensemble 0 3 0 209
Question William Glover · Dec 14, 2022 Creating a Deployed class using Atelier API I have been creating classes using the below REST url. http://localhost:57772/api/atelier/v1/ENSDEMO/doc/Demo.HL7.MsgRouter.Tes... The only caveat is that I want to only load in the compiled code of the classes, as they appear in deployed mode. How do I define this in the content of the JSON payload being sent across? #Caché #HealthShare 0 1 0 272
Question William Glover · Nov 30, 2022 Deferred Response Error When recieivng a response and calling SendDeferredResponse I get the warning below and no response is sent. #Caché #HealthShare 0 2 0 317
Question William Glover · Nov 24, 2022 Is there a way of masking code in studio, such as password protection or with user rights? As the title says I want to be able to hide code I deploy to TIe. #InterSystems IRIS 1 3 0 339
Question William Glover · Nov 9, 2022 Which table holds the information on discarded messages, are there any methods used for retrieving them? I would like to access discarded messages from a specfic process, is there any method that allows for this? Alternatively what table holds this info so I can query it? #HealthShare 0 1 0 280
Question William Glover · Nov 8, 2022 Is there any comprehensive documentation on $$$ Macros There is documentation for single dolalr macros but $$$ dollar seems to be referenced on individual pages or not at all. #Caché #HealthShare 1 0 0 263
Question William Glover · Nov 8, 2022 Seeing if an Adapter is enabled in Code Can you get a boolean response in the same way you can with a Business component using ##class(Ens.Director).IsItemEnabled(component). Or even use this method for getting the adapter state? #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 174
Question William Glover · Nov 3, 2022 Returning all business components associated with a production category Is there a way of passing in the name of a category used in the production and returning a list of business components associated with them? I want to be able to do this in code. #HealthShare 0 1 0 173
Question William Glover · Nov 1, 2022 How to get the list of values in the productions category dropdown menu in code How can I retrive the values present in the Category dropdown at the top of the production in code? #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 251