go to post Daniel Tamajon · Jan 10, 2023 Hi Giacomo, There is not currently support for IRIS server-side analysis. It requires some integration with main InterSystems extension. It is not currently in our scope as it is an old-fashion way of working with Object Script and there is no requirements from any of our customers for such support. If you require such feature, let's meet to talk about.
go to post Daniel Tamajon · Dec 9, 2020 Hi, We have been collecting the Coding Standards and Best Practices to build a static code analyzer (as @Evgeny Shvarov mentioned). In following link you will find all the rules we have developed, including wrong and rigth coding examples and how to solve them: https://objectscriptquality.com/docs/objectscriptquality-release/rules The code review can be done with our ObjectScriptQuality tool, which can be integrated with your preferred development tool, so developers have the code review at time. You can test the tool uploading an ObjectScript project to github, or you can install the server to test it for 2 weeks. Also, you can install the development environment plugin and analyze code in standalone mode, which is free of charge.
go to post Daniel Tamajon · Feb 6, 2020 Hi Joaquin, As Evgeny told, we solve lint check using CacheQuality, which is a objectscript plugin for SonarQube. We also integrate it on Caché Studio, Atelier and VSCode, so you can have a first check on your development tool. We also integrate the Test Coverage Tool, so you will have the full project view from one point! Please, check https://www.cachequality.com/ to have a more complete view, or contact me for a demo. I will be pleased to show you how it works!