Article Alexander Tsvetkov · Sep 17, 2018 14m read Map Visualization of Presidential Elections in Russia 2018 IntroductionAny election is a highly mysterious process, and when you look at its results, the overall picture is not quite clear. I decided to put them, region by region, on the map of Moscow using InterSystems technologies that offer both storage and data analysis functionality. In this particular case, I used InterSystems Ensemble, a platform for application development and integration, but you can also build this solution using the multi-model InterSystems Caché DBMS, as well as InterSystems’ new product called IRIS Data Platform. #Beginner #Caché #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 3 0 0 731
Question Alexander Tsvetkov · Aug 27, 2016 Start up Cache instance on OSX Hi, everybodyI am newbie at OSX and I am trying to install Cache on my mac #Caché #Terminal #Apple macOS 0 5 0 1.2K