Discussion John Murray · Sep 8, 2023 Unable to create trial deployment on Health Connect Cloud Earlier today I enrolled at Cloud Services Portal and clicked "Start trial" for the "Health Connect Cloud" service. Next step was "Create Deployment". The only deployment size offered was "Micro", so I picked that, completed the other required details and clicked "Create". Response was: #Cloud #Health Connect #HealthShare 0 9 0 236
Discussion John Murray · Aug 9, 2023 Vote for a VS Code change that will make IRIS Portal work better in the Simple Browser tab Documentation here explains how IRIS Portal can be launched in a tab in the VS Code editing area from Server Manager. One limitation though is that if you then perform an action in Portal which needs to invoke a modal message box in the browser (e.g. window.alert() or window.confirm()) this doesn't work. #VSCode 5 14 1 270
Discussion John Murray · Jun 15, 2023 Studio to VS Code migration -- addressing the export/import pain-point In the discussions at https://community.intersystems.com/post/intersystems-studio-deprecated-starting-20232 one notable topic has been that some Studio users make regular use of its facilities for exporting multiple code artifacts (e.g. classes and routines) into a single XML file on the workstation, then exporting that file into a different server namespace. #Development Environment #Management Portal #Studio #VSCode 3 4 1 396
Discussion John Murray · Mar 3, 2016 Anyone using Visual Studio Code? Is anyone in the fine community of developers who work with ISC technologies looking at Microsoft's Visual Studio Code offering? One of Bill McCormick's recent posts about Atelier referred to Visual Studio being considered the best IDE. Granted, Code is far less of a tool than VS, and probably always will be. But it claims to be open source and cross-platform, i.e. Linux and OS X as well as Windows. #Development Environment #ObjectScript #Tools #VSCode 8 26 3 5.1K