Announcement John Murray · Oct 9 Server Manager in VS Code - Better handling of changed passwords We've just made a change to Server Manager with the aim of it coping better when a stored password is no longer valid, for example because it has been changed. #VSCode #Caché #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 1 0 51
Announcement John Murray · Oct 4 Since VS Code 1.94 the Explorer's Find widget (Ctrl+Alt+F) on server-side (isfs) folders requires v2.12.9-beta.4 or later with proposed APIs enabled This is a consequence of work being done by the VS Code team to improve Find in Explorer. Symptoms without proposed APIs: Note the continual clock badge and progress bar. #VSCode #Other 2 1 0 61
Announcement John Murray · Sep 29 IPM in VS Code now works for devs who target a Docker container to compile and run their local sources If you are using the client-side development paradigm (i.e. editing code in local files that get imported and compiled onto the IRIS server your `objectscript.conn` settings point to) you can now use IPM in VS Code to manage the packages in your IRIS target by launching it from the Explorer view. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Tools #VSCode #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 1 0 0 35
Announcement John Murray · Sep 26 DX Jetpack 2024 edition brings three new extensions to VS Code users See the new team members in action:[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings] Try them online for yourself: Get it from the Extensions view inside VS Code, or here in Marketplace. #REST API #Studio #Tools #VSCode #Caché #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 2 0 0 37
Announcement John Murray · Sep 25 Operate IPM / ZPM on your IRIS instances easily from within VS Code Please allow me to introduce you to a new way of interacting with IPM (InterSystems Package Manager), also known as ZPM, directly from inside Visual Studio Code. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Tools #VSCode #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 7 1 86
Article John Murray · Aug 9 1m read VS Code ObjectScript extension 2.12.6 and later can optionally display server documents read-only if source control class reports them as such A nice feature that we recently added to version 2.12.6 of the VS Code ObjectScript extension is controlled by this new setting: objectscript.serverSourceControl.respectEditableStatus When set true in JSON, or checked in the Settings Editor, a server-side file will be read-only if the source control class for the namespace reports that it is not editable. #Caché #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 4 0 1 63
Article John Murray · Aug 9 2m read WebTerminal is broken on IRIS 2024.2 I'm posting this for the benefit of WebTerminal users who have upgraded to the recently-released IRIS 2024.2 -- (Build 247U) Tue Jul 16 2024 09:52:30 EDT -- or are considering doing so. That version of 2024.2 contains a change (DP-432503) which requires that the user under which the Web Gateway initially connects to IRIS (usually CSPSystem) must have READ permission on the database hosting the dispatch class of the REST web application. #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 6 2 1 229
Article John Murray · Jul 24 2m read XML export of Studio project unexpectedly omits webapp (CSP) files when webapp name doesn't contain any slashes I encountered this quirk when investigating an unrelated issue affecting how Studio projects are handled in VS Code. When you add the top level of the webapp to a %Studio.Project this inserts a %Studio.ProjectItem with a .DIR suffix. For example, if Studio or VS Code is connected to the USER namespace and you add the /csp/user webapp to a project the new ProjectItem name is "csp/user.DIR". #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 2 2 0 63
Announcement John Murray · Jun 24 Gauging interest in having a ZPM / IPM extension for VS Code If you use VS Code and ZPM / IPM, and would like a GUI-type alternative to the CLI of the latter, please upvote Suggestions about how you think this new UX should look and behave are welcome, so feel free to add your comments to the idea. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #VSCode 1 7 0 157
Article John Murray · Oct 13, 2023 2m read How to provide VS Code settings, snippets and debug configurations to everyone working server-side in a shared namespace When you use VS Code to edit source code, the settings model allows you to specify folder-specific values for some settings by using a settings.json file located in a .vscode sub-folder of the workspace root folder. A value set here takes precedence over one from your personal settings when you are working within that workspace root folder. #Development Environment #VSCode Open Exchange app 5 1 1 413
Announcement John Murray · Oct 9, 2023 The leading bookmark extension for VS Code now works with server-side editing workspaces Until a couple of days ago the most downloaded bookmark extension for VS Code, Bookmarks by Alessandro Fragnani, wasn't able to handle the isfs file references that the InterSystems ObjectScript extension uses when you are operating in a Studio-like way and editing classes & routines directly in a namespace. #VSCode 2 1 0 197
Article John Murray · Sep 21, 2023 1m read Getting started with the Jupyter Server Proxy extension for VS Code Earlier this year I announced availability of a VS Code extension for coding in ObjectScript, Embedded Python or SQL using the notebook paradigm popularized by Jupyter. Today I published a maintenance release to correct a "getting started" problem. Here's a video of the installation steps from the extension's README: Why not try it for yourself? #Embedded Python #ObjectScript #SQL #VSCode 6 3 0 301
Discussion John Murray · Sep 8, 2023 Unable to create trial deployment on Health Connect Cloud Earlier today I enrolled at Cloud Services Portal and clicked "Start trial" for the "Health Connect Cloud" service. Next step was "Create Deployment". The only deployment size offered was "Micro", so I picked that, completed the other required details and clicked "Create". Response was: #Cloud #Health Connect #HealthShare 0 9 0 236
Article John Murray · Sep 7, 2023 1m read One reason for VS Code being unable to connect to your server This scenario showed up yesterday at a client site when I was delivering bespoke consultation on migration from Studio to VS Code. #Authentication #VSCode 7 1 0 338
Discussion John Murray · Aug 9, 2023 Vote for a VS Code change that will make IRIS Portal work better in the Simple Browser tab Documentation here explains how IRIS Portal can be launched in a tab in the VS Code editing area from Server Manager. One limitation though is that if you then perform an action in Portal which needs to invoke a modal message box in the browser (e.g. window.alert() or window.confirm()) this doesn't work. #VSCode 5 14 1 270
Announcement John Murray · Jun 29, 2023 Share VS Code snippets as IPM / ZPM packages VS Code has a powerful snippets capability, and its Marketplace offers a way for developers to publish their snippets so others can use them. However, publishing on Marketplace takes some effort and snippets targeting InterSystems coders will realistically only be of interest to a very small number of Marketplace visitors. #Contest #VSCode Open Exchange app 3 5 0 315
Discussion John Murray · Jun 15, 2023 Studio to VS Code migration -- addressing the export/import pain-point In the discussions at one notable topic has been that some Studio users make regular use of its facilities for exporting multiple code artifacts (e.g. classes and routines) into a single XML file on the workstation, then exporting that file into a different server namespace. #Development Environment #Management Portal #Studio #VSCode 3 4 1 396
Question John Murray · Jun 11, 2023 Can a ZPM / IPM package be required to install in %SYS only? I am trying to write the module.xml for a package that creates a web application associated with the %SYS namespace. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 266
Announcement John Murray · Jun 4, 2023 Announcing Jupyter Server Proxy for VS Code For several years now Visual Studio Code has supported the notebook coding paradigm with a maturing UX and an API that is enabling a notebook extensions ecosystem to grow. One of the best-known notebook platforms is Jupyter Notebooks. A Microsoft team publishes an extension that allows VS Code to handle .ipynb notebook files. These can either work against a local Python environment or connect to a Jupyter Server, which typically hosts remote Python environments with beefier resources. What if your InterSystems IRIS environments, whether local on your workstation or remote in your organization / cloud, could operate as Jupyter Servers? And not only for Embedded Python but also for ObjectScript and SQL "If we build it, will they come?" #Development Environment #Embedded Python #Machine Learning (ML) #Tools #InterSystems Ideas Portal #InterSystems IRIS #VSCode Open Exchange app 6 5 2 709
Announcement John Murray · May 22, 2023 InterSystems Testing Manager - a new VS Code extension for the %UnitTest framework If you have already built unit tests using the %UnitTest framework, or are thinking about doing so, please take a look at InterSystems Testing Manager. Without leaving VS Code you can now browse your unit tests, run or debug them, and view previous run results. #Testing #Tools #Caché #InterSystems Ideas Portal #InterSystems IRIS #VSCode Open Exchange app 8 24 1 725