Yes. Here's a quick sample:

Class DC.Demo.SerialObject Extends %SerialObject

Property foo As %String;

Property bar As %String;


Class DC.Demo.IndexOnSerialObject Extends %Persistent

Property blah As DC.Demo.SerialObject;

Index blahFooBar On (,;

ClassMethod RunDemo()
    Do ..%KillExtent()
    Set inst = ..%New()
    Set = "foo"
    Set = "bar"
    Do inst.%Save()
    zw ^DC.Demo.IndexOnSerialObjectD,^DC.Demo.IndexOnSerialObjectI


Which produces output:

d ##class(DC.Demo.IndexOnSerialObject).RunDemo()
^DC.Demo.IndexOnSerialObjectI("blahFooBar"," FOO"," BAR",1)=""

@Michael Davidovich it might be helpful to look under the hood - specifically, at the class generated for the CSP page ("View Other" in Studio/VSCode).

OnPreHTTP is special in that it runs before the page is rendered (and can e.g. redirect you somewhere else). Generally, I would put code that runs on form submit / POST in OnPreHTTP.

Where you just have <script language="Cache" runat="server">, that'll run as the page is rendered whenever it gets to that block. This would generally be used to render more complex content for which other tag-based CSP options are in sufficient. If you're familiar with PHP, this is equivalent to the <?php ... ?> block in:

  <title>PHP Test</title>
 <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?> 

<script language="Cache" method="SomeMethod"> would be used in hyperevents (i.e., #server(..SomeMethod())# and #call(..SomeMethod())#).

From a coding/design best practices perspective: you should be able to do input validation on the client to provide a friendly error message without needing to go back to the server (e.g., via #server). BUT you should also do validation on the server to make sure that even if the user (maliciously or otherwise) bypasses the client-side validation, they can't submit invalid data.

On further review, you get a <FUNCTION> error from trying to start the line-by-line monitor when no routines are selected, and the work around is to change namespace to %SYS, do ^PERFMON, and stop the monitor.

USER>zw ##class(%Monitor.System.LineByLine).Start("","",$job)
"0 "_$lb($lb(5002,"<FUNCTION>zStart+45^%Monitor.System.LineByLine.1",,,,,,,,$lb(,"USER",$lb("$^zStart+45^%Monitor.System.LineByLine.1 +1","X^@ +1"))))/* ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <FUNCTION>zStart+45^%Monitor.System.LineByLine.1 */

In terms of using the test coverage tool, you should either put a file named coverage.list in your unit test root or pass the list of classes/routines in userParam as described at . covers the bad behavior you've seen and would prevent it going forward. (Subsequent attempts to start the line-by-line monitor will end up hitting error #6060 as described in .)

Here's a sample that loads interoperability system defaults from an XML file:

Class Sample.CCREventHandler Extends %Studio.SourceControl.CCREventHandler

/// This method is called during the loading of an ItemSet, after the contents of the ItemSet have been loaded into the namespace, 
/// and after the ImplementCCR routine has been run
Method ItemSetAfterLoadToNS() As %Status
    set key = ""
    for {
        set item = ..ItemSetItemList.GetNext(.key)
        if (key [ "backup/ens/defaults.xml") {
    Quit ##super()

/// This method is called by the CCR Refresh logic, after the items have been refreshed into the namespace.  It is intended for any additional configuration work which 
/// may be necessary (e.g. initialization of reference tables, building of 3rd party sources, etc)
Method RefreshFinalize() As %Status
    Quit ##super()


It looks like there might be an issue with the service you're trying to use - at , pasting in "/t/1612/n2/all/v/all/p/last/c81/2702/f/u" as "Parâmetros/valores da API:" then clicking "Consultar" I get an alert saying "A solicitação de conexão com pools sofreu timeout".

I also see this from ObjectScript with Server set to instead of

Here's a full example relating global size back to related classes/tables, expanding on @Vitaliy.Serdtsev's example:

select sdef.parent "Class", class.SqlSchemaName||'.'||class.SqlTableName "Table", ​LIST(sdef.Location) "Globals", SUM(s."Allocated MB") "Allocated MB", SUM(s."Used MB") "Used MB" from %SYS.GlobalQuery_Size('C:\InterSystems\IRIS20\mgr\user','','*D,*S,*I',0,0,1) s
join (
select parent,DataLocation as Location from %Dictionary.StorageDefinition where not parent %STARTSWITH '%'
union all
select parent,StreamLocation from %Dictionary.StorageDefinition where not parent %STARTSWITH '%'
union all
select parent,IndexLocation from %Dictionary.StorageDefinition where not parent %STARTSWITH '%'
) sdef
on sdef.Location = '^'||s.Name
join %Dictionary.CompiledClass class on class.Name = sdef.parent
group by sdef.parent

Note that if you use inheritance with persistent classes sharing an extent this'll be a little bit off (since the same global is used for multiple classes and will be double counted).

I feel like a broken record, but InterSystems Support is pretty awesome and probably a better place to start for deeper HealthShare issues than the Developer Community. (And at first glance this seems like a deeper HealthShare issue.) Though it would be great if you could circle back and say what the solution was once you have one in case someone else runs into this!